Thursday, October 26, 2023

Kimizero - Episode 3 - Nicole Eats French Fry

Nicole aggressively eats french fries while they're still hot. Do you have a problem with that? Wait until she finishes.

Nicole is a loyal friend to Luna. She took Ryuuto to a restaurant to tell him about Luna's birthday. Then, someone took a picture of the mean-looking gyaru with Ryuuto, trying to spread rumors.

Nicole explained how Luna loves boba tea. The Japanese call it "tapi," short for tapioca, and American translators say "bubble tea." Freaky otaku Ryuuto mapped out all the boba shops in the area and blew Luna's mind with all the details. She kept his map as her birthday present. Aw! Now she's proud of her boyfriend, and Ryuuto had to go public about their relationship because he didn't like hearing the false rumors.

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