Monday, September 18, 2023

TenPuru - Episode 11 - Yuzuki Heavy Breathing

What is happening to Yuzuki? Wait a minute. It couldn’t be an innocent situation because that never happens in anime.

Kiki informs Yuzuki that the repair cost of the decapitated Buddha statue will be about five thousand dollars. Yuzuki claims she’ll figure something out, and Kiki and Akemitsu wonder how she can be meat-headed and airheaded simultaneously. Akemitsu doesn’t trust her and starts looking for a part-time job. His reasoning about not using the Temple’s phone number is convoluted. And if he borrows Yuzuki’s smartphone, wouldn’t she find out he’s applying for work? Okay, Brain, shut yourself off. Here comes Yuzuki in a maid café uniform in TenPuru! This bedroom scene is so distracting. No, not from Yuzuki’s cleavage and zettai ryouiki. I keep waiting to hear why she’s wearing that uniform! Akemitsu can barely think straight... because something else got straighter!

Har. Yuzuki’s bedroom posters are all muscle-bound models. Contrast them to Kurage’s posters. The younger sister wants to become an adult, so the posters reflect that. What does Yuzuki wish to become? A muscle-bound freak! I wouldn’t mind the lady with razor-sharp abs. Ha! Akemitsu called Yuzuki “dumb” to her face! And she finally realized what she was wearing! Ah. Yuzuki tried on a waitress uniform from her friend’s job, and then Yuzuki fell asleep. Yuzuki already can’t work more part-time jobs. She can’t admit she’s tired, so she makes a bet: massage to make her fall asleep! Serve a maid instead of receiving service? Wrongness on so many levels.

It’s time for sexy sounds and misunderstandings in TenPuru. I love how Akemitsu’s angel and devil on his shoulders agree on erotic manipulation. Oh yes! Shimaidon incoming! Tsukuyo wishes that was her. Ooh. I’ve never heard Akemitsu’s response in anime before. If it’s none of his business, then it’s none of her business what he does either! Unassailable logic. Is it sudden date mode for Tsukuyo?

Tsukuyo has lovey-dovey dreams about Akemitsu, but Kurage pays for the aftermath. Oh. Tsukuyo still pays, but in dessert. Tsukuyo is your classic anime tsundere. Date mode, but it’s not a date! Yup. It was not a date from Akemitsu’s perspective. But he’ll compliment the dickens out of her. Ah. Akemitsu is finally replacing the phone he destroyed in the first episode of TenPuru. He thinks living with others qualifies him for a couples’ discount. Oh well. That didn’t work, but the saleslady still shot Tsukuyo a knowing look. Hee! Look at that blush on top of a blush! Stop being such a nice guy who pays attention to girls, Akemitsu! They’ll fall deeper in love! Tsukuyo was Akemitsu’s first! First contact in his phone address book! Bask in the afterglow, Tsukuyo. She’s got it so bad for him.

Ooh. Epilogue. A bad dream and a concrete block applied directly to the forehead. Kurage finally learned her lesson. Super Surprise Concrete! When will Tsukuyo? Next time, girls can’t do things alone without Akemitsu. Do I have that right? It’s the season finale!

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