Tuesday, September 12, 2023

TenPuru - Episode 10 - Mia Faceful of Oppai

Mia tried to flee from a pair of mounds-obsessed children. Her oppai escaped her blouse instead of the kids.

Akemitsu wakes and checks his crotch. Is he happy he’s still a man after Kagura’s gorilla kick to the balls? That was a painful end to a TenPuru episode. Or does he think he achieved enlightenment because he’s not packing morning wood? Oops. Akemitsu is now deathly afraid of Kagura! And with good reason. Mia disapproves because she wants her best friend and Buddha buddy to get along. Phrasing, Akemitsu, phrasing. Groin tingling (when numbness fades) is different. Ahahaha! Kagura tasted her own medicine. Locked in a shed with Akemitsu to “become friends.” Akemitsu realized Kagura made up the oversexualized jumbling of Japanese culture. Next — claim naughtiness in the darkness! Kagura’s jokes are funny and dangerous at the same time. A locked door is no match for Kagura’s gorilla strength. She has a new plan — make Akemitsu fall in love with Mia and send them back to America.

Ohoho. Tsukuyo has juicy dreams about kissing Akemitsu. Kurage wants details! Hee! Kagura walks stealthily up to someone, so she must be up to no good. That sounds familiar... TenPuru makes me think of hose-covered thighs. Kagura was quick to notice Tsukuyo’s pang of jealousy. Ouch. That poor apple juice box did nothing wrong! Yup. Up to no good. Twister Penance looks much worse with censorship light beams. Hahaha! Have you ever seen someone so innocently admit they can’t stand up straight because she’s so horny? Kagura has way too much fun early in the morning.

Interrogation time on TenPuru. Where is the line between Buddha buddies and naughty nirvana ninjas? Mia isn’t in love with Akemitsu, even if he’s the most handsome man in the world and keeps her constantly aroused. Fighting his temptation is the best way to defeat her worldly desires! Uh. Isn’t that what accidentally happened to Akemitsu when he entered a monastery full of sexy girls? Punishment for saying outrageous things! Oh, perfect timing. Now Tsukuyo can grill Akemitsu about Twister Penance. Wait a second. The censorship beams are gone! This game of grunting and grinding bodies against each other is purely innocent. Well. Not when I put it that way! Kurage has questions about Tsukuyo’s dirty mind.

Emergency! The temple is out of rice! Akemitsu screams like a girl. Mia noticed his girly shriek. Turnaround humor from TenPuru. Mia’s “facts” about Japan have been incorrect fantastically all season. Yet Yuzuki confirms the temple needs to collect tribute from its parishioners. Yuzuki also heard a feminine wail. Field trip to problem parishioners to get rice. Oh! Is this why Yuzuki carried rice barrels when one of them knocked Akemitsu flat? Fun. Yuzuki’s Buddhist diagram matches the hair colors of the characters. Nice. This lady has a broken leg, so she couldn’t deliver her rice barrels. Her kids love oppai! Who doesn’t? They shifted quickly to playing with Mia instead of Yuzuki. The pleasant parishioner offered a nugget of backstory — the Aoba mother’s name is Tsukina, also moon-based. And that she lives at the main temple, confirming the nun’s identity.

Enough schmaltz. Oppai to the face! Akemitsu recalls his rice barrel of destiny. And Yuzuki is a rice-hauling beast! Next time, loosen that robe and spread your legs! Oops. I read that wrong.

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