Wednesday, August 16, 2023

TenPuru - Episode 6 - Mia Reacts to Cursed Scale

The girls look to exorcise their cursed weight scale, according to Yuzuki. Only Mia took her seriously.

Fun! Chisa from Grand Blue Dreaming (TenPuru manga author Kimitake Yoshioka illustrates the scuba diving comedy) is a supermodel in Kurage’s world. Nyagosuke is Kurage’s constant companion. The youngest Aoba sister likes how Akemitsu treats her like an “adult.” Kurage also liked how the girls at the temple have changed since he’s been there. But with Akemitsu handling the cooking, the girls have grown in other ways. The weight scale lies! Yuzuki had to hold a girls-only meeting about this catastrophe. The scale must be cursed! It needs an exorcism! Only Mia takes Yuzuki’s claims seriously. How should they solve the case of the cursed scale? They must avoid the number one solution — lose weight. Rice is cheap, and meat is expensive, so the girls should face the music and exercise.

I’m feeling hot and sweaty looking at this TenPuru workout session too! Penance by Pilates, Mia calls it. She spelled it with kanji for all sorts of nakedness.

But the girls are active all day, so why should they have to exercise? No other choice — they must eat less. But that means Akemitsu needs to cook smaller portions because the temple’s rule for meals is to eat everything someone serves you. There’s a problem, though. Akemitsu will know the girls are on a diet! Kurage wants Akemitsu to stay at the temple forever because his cooking is so delicious. The only answer — Tsukuyo needs to marry him! That sounds like hungry girl logic. Kurage can marry Akemitsu if her sisters don’t want to!

Wait a minute! What if the girls are merely growing, so gaining weight is no big deal? No. It’s the food.

Yuzuki has an axe. She mentioned chopping wood in the girls’ meeting about the cursed scale. Akemitsu has concerns. Yuzuki also requested pickled radishes for her meals but appeared not to enjoy them. There will be benign reasons for these things, but we’ll have to wait for TenPuru’s comedy beats to hear them. See? Kiki oversees Yuzuki’s harsh training for the Buddhist priesthood. Yuzuki needs to hold that supplication pose for two days. Okay. Akemitsu can train with Yuzuki and keep her company. Oh, Mia wants to join too. Uh oh. Yuzuki appears disappointed she would not be alone with Akemitsu. That boy is an airhead too. He thought he was a priest because he lived at the temple and used that knowledge to keep his sanity. That’s reversing cause and effect, but how ignorant! Kiki can teach him to resist worldly desires!

Look! Plot progression. Yuzuki’s nominal fiancĆ© brings unwelcome news, probably from that head priest with the same name as the Aoba sisters. Wow. Kiki hates male monks, particularly this one. Kijo tells the women that Kiki’s accelerated training is too long: Yuzuki must take the test in three months! Something about their sect’s exam is extra strict. I wonder what it will be.

Next time, I won’t even guess how panty colors relate to a priesthood exam.

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