Thursday, June 01, 2023

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou - Episode 8 - Dakini Final Form

Dakini stopped playing around with Yukito's group and unleashed her full violent potential.

KamiKatsu showed us Archon Dakini's origin story. She was one of the original Archons, whom the emperor gave techniques to manipulate human emotions of love and sex. She quickly grew disillusioned when she learned her mission was to suppress them and make people used to having children artificially. She wrote the "forbidden books" and befriended one girl who was an ardent fan of those books. Unfortunately, the girl, Toka, had a child through natural sex in an Isolation Village, and her neighbors killed her. We don't know what happened to the baby, but we can guess.

This is how clever Yukito is. And how dumb Mitama is for a goddess. Yukito purposely left Ataru back home so she could take all of Mitama's followers. Then when her power levels maxed out, Ataru would fly to Dakini's outpost and bust her up! Unfortunately, Yukito's plan lacked intelligence on Dakini's other skills. She had a more potent form that turned everyone, including Ataru, so horny they couldn't concentrate.

But Yukito had a third step to his operation: Mitama would take Riche's followers, refilling her goddess power levels. Would it be enough to counteract Dakini's horny curse mark? Yes, but not due to follower numbers. We already know how the fervor of one adherent affects the fuel for the goddess. One believer can equal a hundred. Even better, Mitama, as a genuine goddess, knows the other gods and goddesses! She recognized Dakini's name and visited the true Goddess Dakini! Lady Dakini allowed Mitama to borrow her power to negate Archon Dakini's power.

Then Mitama pulled a dirty trick on Dakini. She had set up Roy to betray her at a crucial moment. The deviant Roy had genuinely believed that Mitama would let him have his way with her child-like body if he followed her orders at a critical moment. Well, there's a fine line between deviousness and deviancy in this anime. Ataru repaid Dakini for turning her into a horny ravening beast. And then, in a scene of redemption and reunion, Dakini discovered Riche was Toka's daughter.

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