Friday, October 28, 2022

Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! S2 - Episode 4 - Tsuki Watches Soap Opera

Tsuki likes talking to her TV when watching soap operas. Sometimes, it sounds like she talks to herself.

Uzaki-chan feels good about herself. Why not? She has received external validation that she and Senpai belong together in last week’s episode of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!. But Uzaki-chan hasn’t thought through what she should do with that information. First, she’ll start gloating to friends while eating chocolate mint ice cream! Sakaki and Ami can’t believe that Uzaki-chan has just now realized that Sakurai likes her. Sakaki and the Asais celebrate how far the clueless baka couple has come. But they’re frustrated that Uzaki-chan and Senpai won’t cross the finish line.

Sakaki and Master Asai think they should let the pair continue at their snail’s pace, but they see that thirsty Ami might not survive the wait. Uzaki-chan feels too nervous about going to Sakurai’s house alone after she has become aware of his feelings. Sakaki aims to save Ami’s sanity! Is this how Sakurai and Uzaki-chan end up on a Christmas Eve date in the Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! in the first episode? From a Sakaki plot?

The Asais and Sakaki work fast. They’re focusing on Uzaki-chan first, but what about Sakurai? Sakaki is ruthless! Aim right at Uzaki-chan’s insecurity. She thinks Sakurai likes her but does he? What if Sakurai is into someone else? What if someone swoops on Sakurai first? Uzaki-chan observed Sakurai for a year during her first year at college in the first season of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!. She wrongly concluded that he was a gloomy loner. That’s when we started to see her bother her Senpai. Sakurai keeps telling her he has friends, but she doesn’t believe him. Sakaki confirmed that Senpai is popular! Now what? Ha! Sakaki threw Ami under the bus! Ami throws thirsty looks at any set of masculine muscles. Will Sakaki’s ploy light a fire under Uzaki-chan’s belly?

Next chapter on Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! More cooking with Tsuki! The Uzaki cats like Sakurai already. Oh, here we go! Tsuki imagines that she is the secondary reason Sakurai comes over.

Hoho! Uzaki-chan’s delusion came first! Sakurai’s harem includes men too! It’s Tsuki’s turn. She opened up her eyes!

There it is. Sakurai doesn’t want to startle Mrs. Uzaki again, but how to call out to her? Using her given name is too familiar! Tsuki’s soap operas warn her of danger! Tsuki can’t keep her politeness rules straight. Ack. Uzaki-chan heard Sakurai call her mother “Tsuki.” Drama! Is Tsuki a “sex beast?” I hope so!

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