Sunday, October 30, 2022

Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman - Episode 3 - Akari and Apple Pie

Shiori brought over leftover apple pie, which made Akari realize Minami likes sweet things.

Akari plans to snag Minami by appealing to his stomach. So she tests her lunch dishes on Jirou. He likes them, but he likes his rolled omelets sweet as you find in sushi diners. Akari thinks Minami has adult tastes, which means he doesn't like sweet stuff anymore. Jirou's friend Kamo got jealous of his problems as he had to bring Akari's practice dishes to school for lunch.

Akari dressed nicely on her day to surprise Minami with a picnic lunch. She was nervous, so she asked Jirou to give her a good luck kiss. That's what husbands do to encourage their wives out the door. Jirou agreed to plant another kiss, but someone interrupted him!

Shiori came by to give Jirou and Akari extra apple pies she baked for Minami. Akari then realized she didn't know her target boyfriend had a sweet tooth. She gave up her plan and moped inside her apartment. When Jirou tried to cheer her up, Akari decided to seduce him to make herself feel better. Jirou stopped her, but they stopped earning couplehood points when they avoided each other.

Shiori noticed Jirou had a problem when his couple-power ranking fell. She encouraged him to make up with Akari. Jirou swallowed his embarrassment. Then he laid out all the issues of awkwardness between him and Akari. His straightforwardness convinced Akari to spend time with him again. But it also made her realize she liked that about him. Could she be falling in love with Jirou?

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