Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saikin Yatotta Maid ga Ayashii - Episode 7 - 10 Second Anime

Tsukasa talks to Yuuri about his feelings for Lilith. Yuuri sketches Lilith for art class.

Episode 7 – “Not in My Textbook”


What happens when the joke premise behind the show stops working? The Mysterious Maid tackles that issue the best way: honesty. After quickly exhausting the comedic route of ratcheting up provocations, Lilith asked Yuuri what was bothering him. He almost told her! That was a touching scene. Other slice-of-life comedies based on a teasing premise have dealt with heavy feelings similarly. Teasing Master Takagi-san has gone both ways, with Nishikata caring for Takagi and vice-versa. Those parts of the love story were meaningful events in their mutual love growing deeper. I’m waiting to see the tables turning in The Mysterious Maid.

I enjoyed how the anime tied Yuuri’s restlessness to Lilith’s mysterious past through a lovely lullaby. Yuuri remembered his mother singing him to sleep with that song. But a beautiful, dark-skinned girl also sang to him. He almost remembered Lilith used to live with him! The Mysterious Maid will keep Lilith’s secret a mystery for a while longer.


Oh, man. Yuuri has it bad. The pie chart of his day is thinking purple thoughts about a certain purple-eyed, dark-skinned, busty maid. Tsukasa is in heaven. She hears about Yuuri’s infatuation with Lilith in his over-the-top language, as the audience of The Mysterious Maid relishes her increasingly over-the-top reactions. I don’t enjoy the clip-show recap aspect of this scene. It feels like filling time. Hahaha! Yuuri’s extended monologue on all the symptoms of love concludes with his guess that he’s sick. Yeah! Lovesick! Hahaha! Tsukasa thought Yuuri was humble-bragging the whole time! Finally, it’s Tsukasa’s time to shine. She informs Yuuri that his symptoms don’t belong to an illness. They’re the effects of romantic love! Tsukasa says, “koi (, love, tender passion),” which differs from the more inclusive “ai (, love, desire, affection).” But what is love?

Uh oh. Lilith’s teasing isn’t working on Yuuri’s preoccupied attention. This is not good for the mysterious maid. She will not be ignored! Lilith’s internal squealing is adorable. No more joking around. What’s wrong with Yuuri? He’s not reacting to her teasing adult play-acting! Whoops! Yuuri almost said, “love.” Boo. We’re now watching The Bocchama I Served Recently is Suspicious!

Of course. Yuuri is still confused about love because he read the wrong books. Tsukasa has better ones at her house! Come on over! Aw. Tsukasa’s mother looks like a gentle soul. Oh. Tsukasa’s busy house of family and servants reminds him of his happier days. But is he sad for himself? Tsukasa likes that Lilith baked financiers for Yuuri’s visit. And she likes even more how proud Yuuri is of his maid! Oho. Yuuri doesn’t want Lilith to come to Tsukasa’s house because she might abandon him! Jealous, paranoid, and delusional. That’s nothing new for Yuuri in The Mysterious Maid. Tsukasa eased Yuuri’s mind. Enough of that. Read her romance novels! That’s not koi or ai. It’s renai (恋愛, lovemaking, passion, emotions)! Yeah, Tsukasa is a naughty precocious girl. Aw. Yuuri thinks he didn’t learn about love but looking at Lilith’s happy face upon his return was all the education he needed.

The Mysterious Maid moves on from love education to art instruction. Yay! The cute homeroom teacher tells the class about the art contest. We know Yuuri will draw Lilith, so my body is ready. Oh, dear. Yuuri took his homeroom teacher’s words about art literally. He thinks that by drawing Lilith that he will solve her mysteries. Well. She’ll show him many amazing sights, but they won’t meet his expectations. Suspicious! Aw. Now Lilith becomes shy at Yuuri’s constant attention. Yes. Lilith has two moles under her right eye and one on her left breast. Yuuri found Lilith’s charm points. More adorable squealing from Lilith.

Yes. Yes! Let’s see Lilith’s idea of adult poses! Yuuri does not mean naked. Lilith’s immaturity shines through here. Uh oh. Lilith liked Yuuri’s sketch, but the drawing didn’t satisfy Yuuri. Here is the next topic for The Mysterious Maid: Yuuri can’t sleep because Lilith fills his thoughts! Lilith enjoys the compliment, but she worries about Yuuri. We know where this is going. No matter what, Lilith will end up in bed beside Yuuri. A scented candle is pleasant, but Lilith smells nicer! No lap pillow for Lilith because Yuuri worries her thighs will fall asleep. Hot milk, a gramophone, and an eye mask are no match for Yuuri’s insomnia. Say it. Say it! This show is now PG-13. Yuuri wants to sleep with Lilith! Literally, okay? She can’t say no.

Comforting. The Mysterious Maid has an insert song. Lilith sings a lullaby that Yuuri’s mother used to sing to him. And a mysterious, dark-skinned girl with purple eyes... Mission accomplished! Yuuri slept so well that he’s loudly shouting how well he slept in the morning. Oho. Lilith’s lullaby worked so well that Yuuri can’t even remember hearing it. Lilith will share his bed again tonight! That worked. Yuuri won his class’s art contest. The sketch of Lilith with purple eyes looks like Wakame Konbu’s comics on the web.

Next time, the young girl with purple eyes will be explained!

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