Friday, August 05, 2022

Ghost in the Shell - SAC_2045 S2 - Episode 8 - 10 Second Anime

Batou catches up with Standard. Motoko connects with Section 9 as Purin enters Old Tokyo.

Episode 20 – “DEMI DEUS / Those Who Evolve Toward Divinity”


Section 9 needs to use self-reliance to fight the post-humans. That is understandable because Code 1A84 used every bit of human technological convenience to hack humans. Even the code for looking at things in detail gets hacked. In earlier versions of SAC, Togusa was our everyman. He was the only one in Section 9 that was fully human. “Original parts” was his teasing nickname. It was a big deal that Togusa revealed he installed a cyberbrain implant at the beginning of Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. His fall to Takashi’s post-human hacking was the first season’s theme. We saw that theme again when Section 9 discovered that the post-humans even weaponized graffiti against them. QR codes are the devil!

The most satisfying plot device of Ghost in the Shell has been “hacking the hackers.” At the beginning of SAC_2045, we saw Togusa use his new implants to do what Motoko, Ishikawa, and Batou could have done. With the post-humans, the reliance on artificial methods has been routed. How can Section 9 hack the hackers now? With their post-human! Purin Esaki stepped into her role as the post-human hacker. The original Section 9 members need to use old-fashioned human methods of training and tactics by turning off all their AI and computer-enhanced abilities. Purin gets to approach the post-humans as a transcendent entity. She became a post-human with all their abilities, but she stayed a person existing within society. She kept her pushy personality! Takashi and Suzuka can’t even talk with their mouths anymore. I can’t wait to see Purin post-human 2.0 meet the alpha versions in Ghost in the Shell.


Purin recognized Takashi. Did he come to the bridge to let her pass? He can’t be there for VW Van Dude. Whoa! The kid has a 3D-printed rifle! Uh oh. Takashi stuck the soldiers in Room 101. The van is free to go. These aren’t the N you’re looking for. Purin thinks she saw a form of “ghost hacking.” That’s the Ghost in the Shell version of brain-washing or hypnosis. VW Van Dude thinks he just witnessed a miracle. Ha! Look at the disgust on Purin’s face. Bye-bye, VW Van Dude. You served your purpose for Takashi, Purin, and the audience. Purin took his clothes for his imaginary girlfriend, gun, and van! I think Purin gave him a lesson on not accepting naked hitchhikers. Perfect license plate. 19-698 refers to Woodstock! The music festival happened in August 1969. Where does the Thought Police take the N-Po? Room 101 is inside people’s heads, but their bodies physically go somewhere.

I love the Tachikomas’ background conversations in Ghost in the Shell. The older versions haven’t synced the newer models’ memories of Standard. The mercenary’s mission was to confirm post-human hibernation. The post-humans are inert for 15 minutes a day. Suzuka sleeps down inside Geo City while Takashi naps up high on a crane. Standard confirmed what Christ Tate told Aramaki. But this is a waste of time for the audience. The point is Batou’s crew can’t kill either post-human because nuclear missiles would launch. Haha! Standard has two sets of memories from the first season! I wonder what “Mei Ling” looks like from his perspective.

Purin is now the VW Van Dudette. Ooh. She found the post-human internet network signal. This is the N Network! How do the N-members get credentials to log on? Do they receive them after Room 101? Purin just hacked a post-human network. Japan should be happy she’s on its side. And Ghost in the Shell still asks what “N” stands for. Purin votes for “Network.” That’s weird. Togusa spotted VW Van Dudette, but the Tachikomas didn’t believe it was Purin. Togusa could have shared a screenshot. Standard is still on NSA’s payroll. Did he signal a satellite to confirm that post-humans dream of electric sheep? Motoko called an audible on the Section 9 infiltration mission right after. They’re going after Suzuka first.

Ack. N hacked the Japanese army. Man, I hate listening to Tachikomas scream. It’s like you know R2-D2 is in real trouble. Hey, Standard had important info about the post-humans. They can’t hack reconnaissance satellite cameras! Yay! I love hearing the Tachikomas say, “Roger!” Aw, crap. Batou’s been hacked already. Motoko could not already be here. Ghost in the Shell gives us Motoko vs. Motoko! Oh, not really. Suzuka needed to run away. She was much more gung-ho when she tried to steal a brain case. Haha! Standard called Motoko, “Mei Ling.” Yup, the graffiti had meme code. Just use normal vision and training from now on. Imagine the damage pasting QR codes everywhere could do! Hey, Motoko’s Team America is back together. But there’s a joker on the board! Purin has entered the fray!

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