Proof 11 – “Science-types Fell in Love, So They Tried Getting Married”
The instances of foreshadowing for dark, dramatic events in the Science Fell in Love ❤️ season finale were barely there, making their appearances jarring. Four scenes felt like they were jammed into the festival scenes dedicated to advancing Kosuke’s and Ena’s slow-moving romance. The first scene was Shinya receiving digital data from Chris. In the last episode, we saw Shinya call him late at night. This is the product of Shinya’s request. Mysterious! The second scene made us pay attention to college delinquents attending the festival. We will see them again, but their inclusion was embarrassingly obvious.
The third scene included Shikijou’s professor drinking with Ikeda. It feels like he needed to be there only to act as a convenient source of exposition for Shikijou. The fourth scene showed Shikijou not recognizing Shinya, so it felt like he was the romantic interest from a tacky shoujo manga rescuing the heroine. Instead of spending time on science concepts unrelated to the plot of Science Fell in Love ❤️, the anime could have organically introduced the rough-looking guys and the visiting professors. Unfortunately, the narrative flow felt like plot elements dropped into it with distracting splashes.
I was glad to see that Yamamoto-sensei did not manufacture drama for Ena and Kosuke as she did for Ayame and Shinya on Okinawa. All she needed to do was gently push the prickly pair into a wedding kiss. That was the highlight of this week’s Science Fell in Love ❤️.
Kotonoha doesn’t look happy to tour the Mutsumi Festival with Shikijou. She’s still worrying over her arguments about “normalcy” with Shinya. Internal date music should sound cheerful, but that’s not the mood in Kotonoha’s heart. Chris gave Shinya a USB stick drive. Check for viruses! Get it? Because Chris works in the biology department, right? Okay, moving on. The tsundere couple appears to show us the college delinquents and Yamamoto taking notes. Science Fell in Love ❤️ shows us heavy-handed foreshadowing. We’ll see those rough dudes again.
Let’s get to it! Yamamoto-sensei needs to get suited up! Kosuke is the groom today. Whom will he marry? Of course! His Aika-chan dakimakura (body pillow)! Before Yamamoto could dress, she needed to fill out the Ikeda Lab’s survey on cosplayers. The scale moves from one to fifteen, with one being garbage to fifteen describing ultra-dimensional appeal. The guy wearing a helmet mask has extreme scores! Mostly gutter, but a couple of “15” responses. Science Fell in Love ❤️ likes flying the freak flag. Poor Kosuke. His scores are all “Somewhat unappealing.” Look at who ranks first and second! Ayame is no surprise at second place, but... Ahahaha! Shinya-chan is first place! The KiraKira Sisters’ costume skills are terrifying!
Oho. Ena makes a beautiful blushing bride. How does Kosuke like her now? Ooh. Yamamoto wears a wedding dress too. Uh, is this turning into the harem ending for Kosuke? Aha. It’s time for the math part of this Science Fell in Love ❤️ scene. There’s a superstition that wearing a wedding dress before getting married delays that wedding date. Time for Ena and Yamamoto to flex the statistics muscles. Is there any data on when women wear a wedding dress before their wedding days? Gathering women’s ages from their marriage certificates should be easy. Ah. It’s the old “correlation does not mean causation” concept. Ena and Yamamoto settle on the idea that marrying late only gives women more time to wear a wedding dress costume before the actual date. Yamamoto is safe! But it does mean she’s marrying late... The manga artist is at the age when her lady friends are getting married, and she’s feeling the pressure! Kosuke is right there. Let’s get married! It’s the runaway groom!
Ena knew where to find Kosuke. Not surprising. Aw. A child wants to see a wedding ceremony. Kosuke and Ena can’t hurt her feelings. No divorces on a college campus! Science Fell in Love ❤️ gave us the wedding episode! Fun. Ena memorized wedding vows in English. Kosuke doesn’t want to get sucked into the romantic flow. Too late! Kosuke wants the Aika-chan True End, not the “Happily ever after” moment with Ena. Aw. The girl caught Ena’s bridal bouquet. Kosuke and Ena put on a memorable show for her. Huh. Yamamoto changed out of her wedding dress. She spied an opportunity to mess with Kosuke and Ena. Kiss! The pair needed a push to start a romantic relationship, but not a physical shove. Yamamoto could know Ena better than we do, so she might be correct. That kiss affected Ena more than she wanted to show Kosuke. Ena and Kosuke pair up for the eye-catch.
Mood switch for Science Fell in Love ❤️. Visiting professors drink with Ikeda. One of them is Shikijou’s professor from his university. Let’s see what drama we can squeeze out of Kotonoha and her emotional tension with Shinya. Ah. Shinya found her and noticed she dropped the happy face when Shikijou wasn’t next to her. It looks like a public couple’s fight! Huh? Shouldn’t Shikijou recognize Shinya from Okinawa? Ooh. Kotonoha denied knowing Shinya! Shikijou found a good mood and location to ask Kotonoha to go out with him, but she still wants that blue backpack. That’s not normal. Shikijou’s crazy eyes don’t look normal either!
Next time, Kotonoha will need to flip a psycho!
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