Saturday, March 05, 2022

Girls' Frontline - Episode 9 - Gentiane Headpats SOPII

Girls' Frontline - Episode 9
SOPII likes Gentiane because she's a commander who cares about her T-Dolls. That means letting them shoot who they want.

Girls' Frontline - Episode 9
Girls' Frontline - Episode 9
Girls' Frontline - Episode 9

After Team AR saved Griffin's secret base, Helian called for AR-15's arrest. Her brain had thrown out anomalous signals and data during their search and destroy mission. AR-15 had always been a seriously cautious fighter, but her calls to action had become noticeably obstructive. She didn't take it personally because hacking the enemy's AI's is a recognized military tactic.

Girls' Frontline - Episode 9
Girls' Frontline - Episode 9

Even without AR-15's cautious input on defense, Team AR smoothly found and disabled Destroyer's base and forces. Destroyer begged her boss Dreamer for help, but Dreamer's mission of loading malware into AR-15 was already completed. She had a backup of Destroyer's mind, so she didn't need to rescue the version that Team AR utterly defeated.

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