Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4 - M4A1 and T-Dolls Fire Guns

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
M4A1 joined Griffin's forces when she could to help rescue her comrades. First up was SOP II.

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4

M4A1 met the Griffin Dolls under the command of Gentiane. While her body repaired itself, M4A1 contacted her AR Team members still behind enemy lines. M16A1 convinced her to retrieve SOP II and AR-15 first.

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4

M4A1 saw how much the Griffin Dolls appreciate Gentiane's command priorities. The commander's primary directive is limiting casualties. The Dolls love that!

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4

SOP II was Griffin's first rescue mission with M4A1. Commander Gentiane's tactics put the Sangvis Ferri Rippers and Vespids in a kill box. That opened up a path for SOP II to reunite with M4A1.

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4

SOP II appreciated how the Griffin Dolls had autonomy in their decision-making during the mission. But she felt they played it too safe. SOP II wanted to charge the front line! Back at the base, SOP II explained how she separated from AR-15. They needed to go back for her now!

Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4
Girls' Frontline - Episode 4

Unfortunately, Griffin and Commander Gentiane were not ready for another operation. Sangvis Ferri had attacked the base when M4A1 left to rescue SOP II. Griffin needed to regroup and restock. Also, AR-15 distracted Sangvis Ferri to allow SOP II to escape. An elite model captured AR-15! Hunter wants to get acquainted with AR-15 over many lengthy visits.

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