Saturday, November 13, 2021

Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7 - Rio Takes Picture with Touko

Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Rio could barely contain her glee at taking a picture of Touko in a butler costume. Touko felt differently.

Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7

At their school's cultural festival, the members of the pottery club needed to participate in their respective classes' events. Touko's friends Noa and Yuzuna insisted that she dress as a butler. Mika and Himeno's class put on an Alice in Wonderland theme cafe. The cafe had many of the mugs that Himeno's mother made, which let Touko reflect on her grandfather's wise words. "A molded piece of clay is not finished until it makes someone happy."

Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7

Rio, Touko's biggest fan and self-proclaimed rival, needed to see what Touko had made for the upcoming pottery contest. When Rio had such an emotional reaction to Touko's fiery bowl, Touko realized that her clay piece was complete.

Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7
Yakunara Mug Cup mo S2 - Episode 7

Meanwhile, Himeno has been procrastinating on an idea for how to fill an empty space in her father's coffee shop shelf. A mug her mother had made used to be there, so the daughter began to have an inferiority complex. How can she compete with the legendary Himena Toyokawa?

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