Saturday, November 13, 2021

Mieruko-chan - Episode 6 - Hana Dresses

Mieruko-chan - Episode 6
As we follow Hana around on her way to meet Miko, we see we're not the only ones staying close to her.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 6
Mieruko-chan - Episode 6
Mieruko-chan - Episode 6
Mieruko-chan - Episode 6

In an episode focusing on Hana, we find out that her aura attracts and injures the ghosts that Miko can see. A powerful ghost used that aura to toast and grill lesser spirits before eating them! Miko took Hana to an abandoned temple to ask the god there to help purge that scary ghost. Hana's insta pic didn't even need a filter as the benevolent being exorcised the hungry spirit. The god warned, or explained, to Miko something about "three times." Will we have plot progression in this anime?

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