Sunday, November 14, 2021

Mieruko-chan - Episode 7 - Miko Yulia Hana on a Bus

Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Yulia convinced newly converted shutterbug Hana to take pictures at a power spot. Naturally, Miko tagged along.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7

Yulia was still stinging from Miko choking her out, so she wanted to try gauging her spiritual power again. Meanwhile, Hana liked how well her picture at the temple gate turned out, that she convinced herself she had a talent for photography. Somehow, that meant taking a step backward and using polaroid film technology. Yulia inserted herself into the conversation by persuading her to take pictures of another power spot. Hana jumped at the chance. Miko reluctantly followed.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7

Yulia is equal parts chuuniybyou and the real deal. She can see ghosts as Miko can, but she doesn't realize that Miko sees higher-order ghosts. Also, neither of them can actively affect the spirits they see. Yulia thinks Miko exorcises ghosts by pointing at them. In reality, Miko merely gestures at the weaker shades as scarier ones eat them. Similarly, Miko relied on the fox spirits she met in the last episode to defeat the high-level ghost in the tunnel. Those two friendly gods held up their index fingers as if to indicate Miko had used up one of her "three times." Plot development! Neither Yulia nor Miko enjoyed the polaroid Hana took of the tunnel.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 7
Mieruko-chan - Episode 7

Yulia and Hana didn't get what they wanted out of the trip, but Yulia looked happy with the result. She might have made friends! Certainly, Miko hopes that becomes true.

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