This episode picks up the story of Peach Boy Riverside right after Somenki destroyed the Kingdom's capital city following Sally's victory over the walrus ogre. The production staff planned on these episodes airing out of order, but it doesn't help the audience make sense of things. We've been calling Meki "Carrot" for most of the season now, but it's over halfway through that we see proof that Frau did indeed name her because she likes carrots. We also saw Sumeragi stop Somenki, the ogre who destroyed the city, from attacking Sally because Sally would have reflexively killed him on the spot.
This episode also had the first reunion between Sally and Mikoto. The brief scene gave us more hints about Mikoto's origins, but its importance was focused on Sally. She was a new ex-princess looking for experience in the outside world, and she hated the prejudice against demihumans. Sally showed us the great potential her character has. She was wise enough to know that preaching against discrimination would not change minds and hearts. Sally wanted to use her journey to create moments of compromise between humans and demihumans. Admirable, realistic, and attainable. I think we should have had the episodes in chronological order, though.
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