Episode 8 – “The World’s Only (Insert Phrase You Like Here)”
Dragon Maid’s theme for the week is how people put in extra effort for their loved ones. It’s easy to see how that’s the case for Shouta and Tohru’s parts of the episode. Kobayashi also put additional effort into receiving Tohru’s care to ease her dragon friend’s mind. However, Ilulu’s dedication to reuniting a doll with its owner appears not to fit the pattern. Shouta worked hard for his father, while Tohru did the same for Kobayashi. Who did Ilulu work for? Ilulu gave her time and energy for the doll’s sake.
Not the doll she found at the candy store, though. No, she wanted most to pick up her own beloved toy again. But she let it go when she closed off her heart to humans and has regretted it since then. Ilulu can’t go back in time, but she can help another cherished doll find its home again. The gesture was also for the girl who abandoned her toy because Ilulu recognized how carefully the owner left the toy behind.
Ilulu recognized her past self at that moment. Her journey to return the doll was her way of comforting her young self. It was also an act of atonement for abandoning her human friends’ love when Ilulu left their gift behind. Dragon Maid is setting up Ilulu to have human friends again, beyond Kobayashi. I’m sure Tohru will help her out so she can get rid of the competition as soon as possible. Taketo is already the designated partner.
Cats like Shouta. Dragons also, right! Ah. Father’s Day is coming up, and Shouta wants to make a gift for his dad. Dragon Maid keeps Lucoa’s living arrangements in Shouta’s house mysterious. Oh, dear. Get ready for puns between “father” and “tits.” Chichi is the pronunciation for 父 (father) and 乳 (breast, milk). It’s always 乳の日 (chichinohi) when Lucoa is around. Har. Lucoa thinks Shouta is making a talisman present for her. Hoho. Tohru explains that she never found a working protective charm because they burned up with the humans too. Ilulu and Kanna have fun with a fighting game. So, did Kobayashi eventually correct Lucoa, or what?
Nice. Magic websites in Dragon Maid’s world require a magic password. Oops. Shouta’s magic blew up in his face! Shouta’s explosions shake the house and Lucoa! Is it Tit Day already? Oh, right. That’s all the time! Fun. Shouta takes a videogame break with Takiya and Fafnir. Takiya in nerd glasses mode also has an uncle mode. His advice to beating a game is to view it from the developer’s perspective. If you understand what the creator wants a player to do, you can find the prescribed solution. You can also break through that small set of actions to win the game faster or in a unique way.
Shouta realized something after hearing that. Lucoa is such a doting mother figure. She’s too needy for physical affection from Shouta’s perspective, though. Hoh. Shouta changed the barometric pressure in his room. Eh? Lucoa sleeps naked on the couch. Shouta proudly explained to her how he succeeded. He made his room’s air pressure match the conditions of the magic book writer’s home. Aw. Shouta admires his dad and wants to impress him. Haha! One more Tits Day joke! Oh no. Kanna has a Father’s Day gift for Kobayashi! Is Tohru the mother in the Kobayashi household? Ilulu can make Kobayashi a father again...
Dragon Maid’s part two gives Kobayashi a cold. Dragons don’t catch colds because viruses couldn’t survive inside a dragon’s body. Good to know. Welp, that’s a high fever cold. Tohru gets to attend to Kobayashi while her defenses are down. Tohru is anxious because she’s never been around a sick human before. I wish we could see Elma’s facial expressions because she’s fidgeting quite nervously. Takiya has been living with Fafnir for too long. He suggested a dragon-like way of beating a cold: shrink down and kill those cold viruses! That’s not good for Kobayashi’s body, though. Time for maid power! Isn’t it always time for maid power in Dragon Maid?
Oh, Tohru. Why does she go to Ilulu and Fafnir for human health advice instead of just going straight to Lucoa? Ilulu thinks coal or charcoal are good things to eat. She needs to fill those flame sacs! Lucoa acts like a bored housewife at Shouta’s house. Her advice to Tohru leads to the anime cliché of feeding a sick person rice gruel. Dragon Maid shows us a rattled Tohru because she can cook better than this. Kobayashi took one for the team. She’ll have the recipe’s rice gruel next time.
Here we go, here we go! Tohru, doki, doki! Time to wipe the sweat away from Kobayashi’s bare skin. Uh oh. Tohru worries too much. She’s scared that Kobayashi looks so vulnerable. She needs to go back to the dragon world to get an extra-strength cure! KyoAni shows off again. And Kobayashi is better after a good rest. It was only the common cold. Aw. Tohru came back all beat up. Kobayashi will need to take one for the team again. Ahahahaha! Beast-folk pills turned Kobayashi into a beast! Nyaa~!
Part three for Dragon Maid. Ilulu finds a doll left behind at the candy store. The situation resembles someone leaving an infant at an orphanage. That is a well-cared-for doll in a basket. No note, though. Ilulu cares too much. She’ll find the owner! Aw. Taketo is a good kid too. He needn’t have worried because Ilulu loves talking with children, and they love talking to her! Taketo suggests that someone abandoned the doll at the shop. Ilulu responded emotionally to that.
Ilulu knows someone better than the police for finding the owner: Kobayashi! Taketo pays attention to details. Details like why Kobayashi has a maid with her! He’ll need to start going with the flow in Dragon Maid. Ooh, fine idea. Ilulu can follow the scent of the owner like a bloodhound. Ohoho! Taketo has a dirty mind! How does he know what “puppy play” looks like? Ah. Now we know why Ilulu had that emotional response to an abandoned doll. She regrets leaving her toy behind when she began fighting humans with her grandfather.
Drama in the present time. A sudden rainstorm will wash the scent trail away. Taketo confirms he’ll be Ilulu’s human companion in the world of Dragon Maid. Ilulu confesses her regrets in leaving behind her cherished doll. This is her motivation in reuniting this doll with its owner. Ha! Kobayashi rides an invisible dragon! She is better than the police. She found the owner’s address! Aw. The poor girl gave up her doll because her friends teased her about it. That’s a happy reunion. Ilulu can’t get her toy back, but she can help someone else. Nice rainbow and healing anime moment.
And here’s Taketo’s reward! Bath time with Ilulu! Hoho! Taketo’s doll keeps his place warm and ready. She’s patting little Take’s head... There’s plenty of space for Taketo in there too!
Next time, it’s all about Elma! Ilulu takes another turn in the horoscope end card for Aries. Her advice is to keep precious things stored in your chest. Easy for her to say!
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