Monday, August 02, 2021

Edens Zero - Episode 17 - Homura Bunny Girl

Homura promised to wear a bunny girl outfit to get on board the Edenszero long ago. Now's the time to keep that promise!

In a transition episode, Edens Zero tied up loose ends about Homura joining the crew while searching for her sword teacher. Valkyrie is also the fourth of the Edenszero Shining Stars. The ship won't be fully functional until all four are on board and plugged in. Agent Amira continues to search for Drakken Joe from a beach lounge chair. The criminal boss made his debut, but I found it better to look at one of his subordinates, Maria.

Hermit rejoined the Shining Stars, which made completing repairs on the ship easier. That opened up one of the most critical rooms on the Edenszero – the dress factory! After having fun with Homura's bunny girl costume to turn it into a Japanese version, everyone else wanted new outfits too. Sister as a sexy nurse and Witch as a sexy, uh, witch were highlights of the process.

Edenszero's present mission is to find Valkyrie. Since they had no leads, they decided to visit Xiaomei at the Temple of Knowledge. She's been the narrator for Edens Zero since the beginning, but this is the first time we're meeting her inside the story.

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