Episode 2 – “Hot Guy Kobayashi! (In Many Senses)”
Dragon Maid efficiently established Ilulu’s history with humans. The point was that children want to make friends and play with each other, but then adults come to ruin things. Those traumatized children grow up into bitter and suspicious adults, and the cycle begins again. Manga author Coolkyoushinja admonishes adults to break that cycle. Then we can also have dragon maids, play video games, and go to comic book conventions together.
We met one of those adults messing things up for the children in Cremene, a dragon from the harmony faction. Elma, also of the harmony faction, fought Tohru as hard as she could, so it wasn’t surprising to see Cremene try to kill Ilulu. However, Dragon Maid makes it clear that each dragon has a different personality as humans do. Elma would never kill a human and then hide the evidence, but Cremene comes from the school of getting away with whatever he can. I’m curious to see how things would have played out if he did call Elma for reinforcements.
The introduction of Cremene also shows us a fun thing about Dragon Maid: it uses names from world religions and mythology. The challenge from a western perspective is transcribing the katakana into the English alphabet. Tohru is Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Kanna Kamui is an Ainu storm god. Elma is the Leviathan from the Old Testament. Lucoa is Quetzalcoatl from the Aztecs, a feathered serpent. Fafnir is a prince from Norse mythology who became a dragon after succumbing to a curse. Cremene comes from Clymene, a Titan goddess from Greek mythology. And Ilulu? My guess is that she is the river goddess Iril Lairembi from the Indian religion of Sanamahism. “Iril” means “river of blood” in the local Indian languages.
Aw. Young Ilulu played with human children. How powerful are these humans in the dragon world? They can destroy dragon villages! Back to Dragon Maid’s present time and Kobayashi’s predicament. Ha! She’s only seen two, uh, organs in her life. The second was her own! Uh oh. Sexy Tohru! Why does Kobayashi want to hide her transformation from Tohru? Is this her way of avoiding dragon tail meat? Yes. Yes, it is. Tohru would totally jump her bones. Er, bone? Kanna doesn’t make it easy to hide her new body part.
Ilulu’s magic is like Viagra. It eventually wears off. If its effects last longer than 24 hours, seek immediate magical attention. And stay away from a certain horny dragon maid! Oh no. Watch out, Kobayashi! Tohru and evening liquor might be a trap. Ha! Love potion in the snack attack! Tohru makes her move! And she failed. Even as a man, Kobayashi only cares about maids. And we’re back to our lily-scented paradise.
Yay! Riko and Georgie celebrate Hinamatsuri. Riko and Kanna need to be there on the doll display. Time for drama. Someone is chasing Ilulu. Who? Cremene of the “dragon-slaying” camp. Does Elma know about him? Ah. Kobayashi will save another dragon girl’s life. Take a security buzzer to the face, harmony dragon!
Ilulu and Kobayashi’s quiet conversation about fate, relationships, and coexistence builds the foundation for Dragon Maid’s emotional development. Ilulu, as a child, didn’t want to stop playing with her human friends, but the adults, both human and dragon, made her. Kobayashi increases her dragon harem by one. She’s a charmer. Ack. There’s that Cremene guy again. He just wants to kill people. He doesn’t care about dragons and humans living together in harmony. Big mistake. He hit Kobayashi! Tohru will not forgive that. Har. Reinforcements from Elma? Cremene is out of the loop here. Detailed sound effects of bone-crunching gore. Tohru kept his horn. As punishment. Dragon spit will heal Kobayashi’s wound.
Dragon Maid is full of advice this week. Corporate drones in this world should pay attention to Kobayashi’s words about work-life balance. Corporations obviously want an imbalance. Let’s welcome a new dragon to the Kobayashi household. Tohru gets another source of jealousy too. Ilulu needs training on how to fit in with humans in this world. It shows how talented Tohru and Kanna are as dragons that they can transform so quickly. Also, Ilulu is doing as much as she can to make her flame sacs smaller. What if she weren’t? What if she weren’t!?
Tohru has a manual on how to live as a human. This should be good! Ah... what? What kind of creepy hands are those? Ilulu needs practice. Um, I feel that Tohru’s manual could help a large cohort of people on the internet. Dragon Maid is here to help! Greetings, yes. Dragon meat, no. Mating, yes, please. Yes, please! Clothing should match others’ fashion, yes. Tohru is an exception! Ilulu can’t fit into Kanna’s clothes for obvious reasons. Ilulu needs a job. Kanna has a job! She’s an elementary school student. Ilulu is too old for that. Aw. Tohru and Ilulu have started bonding.
Ohoho! Ilulu wants Kobayashi’s babies! She wants to make a family so she can stop feeling lonely. There’s that theme of family in Dragon Maid again. Ilulu was so close! Tohru crosses her arms so strongly in refusal, it’s like she’s flapping her arms and flying. And why did she do the idol pose when she landed? That’s a cute pink dragon on Ilulu’s new mug. We’ll see Tohru’s jealous face many times, won’t we?
Next time, Ilulu learns how to make hands and meets Riko. Tohru’s Cancer sign is the end card this week.
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