Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Slime Taoshite 300-nen - Episode 7 - Azusa Hugs Smol Dragon Laika

Laika revealed she had a third dragon form – cute smol dragon! Useful for sneaking around. Azusa loved it!

Beelzebub let Azusa know there was a way for Halkara to avoid execution. The Demon Lord Pecora could change the law about death sentences if she pronounced it. She would need to wake up first, so Azusa's plan was to give her a potion to do that. That's why the smol Laika dragon flew around collecting herbs. Beelzebub also loaned Azusa a disguise to get close to the unconscious Demon Lord. Beelzebub has excellent taste in slutty, er sexy cosplay.

Pecora didn't need help waking up after all, but she did want to test the Witch of the Highland's power. She learned she was powerless against Azusa's Wall Slam (kabedon!) and her impressive Chin-in-Hand maneuvers. Pecora only wanted a Big Sister like she saw in those stories about all-girl schools, and she found her "Onee-sama" in Azusa.

Pecora had some alone time with Azusa before her family reunited with her. She's a needy Demon Lord! She wanted a kiss on the cheek! Azusa belatedly decided only her daughters would get kisses, and everyone else would get hugs.

The peace prize ceremony held surprises and was awfully informal. Laika and Flatorte took part in the awards ceremony too. They were the representatives of the Red and Blue Dragons who made peace in Azusa's presence. Pecora made sure that Flatorte would guarantee peace by submitting to Azusa's horn rub.

That horn rub had another effect – Flatorte pledged absolute obedience to Azusa and couldn't leave her side. Azusa picked up another family member on the way home as they rode on the other Leviathan sister's back. Fatla, the calmer Leviathan, explained how Vania periodically giggles during flight because she remembers something funny. That caused a spill, which caused Flatorte to become drenched. In the bath, Azusa ordered Flatorte to be an independent person. That took care of the annoying obsequiousness, but not enough for Laika's tastes.

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