Friday, June 18, 2021

Edens Zero - Episode 1 - Rebecca Punches Shiki

Rebecca was quite reluctant to become Shiki's friend after how he initially made contact with her.

Shiki had never seen another human before and couldn't believe how soft someone like Rebecca was. Rebecca did not appreciate his lack of manners.

Rebecca and Shiki came to an understanding which led to fun times and great service from the robots in Granbell. Granbell was a robot theme park that fell into disrepair. Shiki came to them much later and has been the only human on a planet full of robots.

When the robots learned that Rebecca came to the planet with a working spaceship, they attacked her. Shiki defended her, and they escaped on her ship. As soon as Shiki was gone, the robots stopped their aggressive ways and thanked themselves that their ruse worked on him.

Their programming was to find a way for Shiki to leave the planet before he learned that they were slowly falling into disrepair and he would soon be left alone. And yes, that Happy Cat is almost exactly the same as Happy from Fairy Tail, except his tail is black at the tip instead of white.

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