Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Non Non Biyori Nonstop - Episode 12 [END] - 10 Second Anime

The year ends, and a new one begins with new friends looking forward to perfect weather on perfect days.

Episode 12 – “The Cherry Blossoms Bloomed Again”


Non Non Biyori Nonstop emphasized the theme of growing up and graduating to new roles. It started with Nii-san having his graduation ceremony from junior high. Then we saw Renge take seriously her self-proclaimed role as a big sister to Shiori and her new baby sister. It was a charming scene seeing the newborn girl clasp Renge’s pinky to be friends forever.

Finally, Shiori joined the branch school class as their first grader as Renge moved on to second grade. It was the first time in the three seasons of Non Non Biyori that we had seen beyond the same year and into the next. The season finale felt like a series finale, ending on a sweetly sad moment, like parents watching their children grow up.


Kazuho dressed like an adult. It’s graduation day. Nii-san noticed three sparrows hanging out as he left for school with his sisters. Soon, it will only be two sparrows. Suguru graduates, but he needs to play the piano for his graduation song. Who will play the music for Komari’s graduation next year? Renge had better improve her recorder skills. Proud Mama Koshigaya. Hotaru is such a sensitive child. She took a moment to appreciate her friends singing their goodbyes to an older brother. Two sparrows fly away instead of three. Renge is sensitive too. Thank you, Nii-san!

Konomi spends time with Hikage and Akane today. Hikage has no idea who this is or what’s going on. Har. They made Kaede open the candy store just for them. Oh, finally. Konomi introduced Akane to Hikage. They’re the same age. Hikage wanted to impress Akane with going to school in Tokyo but didn’t want to impress her that much!

Renge hangs out with the cat that didn’t like her so much when she was an infant. Whoa. Shiori’s mom is extremely pregnant. Shiori claims her father the policeman is wandering around. Shiori Mama corrects her that he is “patrolling.” They bother Kaede at the candy store too. Natsumi wants cardboard for grass hill sledding.

It’s a big girl party! Kaede tells Renge and Shiori to slide with the older girls. Renge goes with Kaede, of course. Aw. Komari tried to volunteer, but Shiori chose Hotaru to ride with. Konomi drinks in the scene since she’ll be going to university soon. She summarized the plot of three seasons of Non Non Biyori, describing it as feeling like it’s been so long, but also no time at all. Watching the same year three times has a way of doing that.

The main girls walk Shiori home, and they find her mom in trouble. The baby is coming but Papa Policeman is still wandering around. The girls will watch Shiori until her dad comes home and then join mom at the hospital. Nothing bad happens but it’s still scary for a little girl.

Hey, these are the same scenes from the opening credits. Nii-san still lives at home, but now he takes the long train trip to high school. Renge notices it’s spring again. Fun! Shiori joins them at school too! Baby Kasumi is here also. Renge promises to look out for Kasumi when she goes to school. She’ll be in first grade when Renge is in eighth grade. It’s a promise! Shiori continues the Nyanpasu tradition. The walk to school is different but the same every day. And today is a perfect weather day!

The end.

Final Thoughts.

This felt like the end of an era for Non Non Biyori. Each of the three seasons had a different theme for the same year through the eyes of Renge. The first season was about experiencing new things as Renge joined the big girls at school and welcomed a new friend from the city in Hotaru. The second season focused on the change of seasons which mark the passage of time. This last Non Non Biyori season was about growing up, growing older, and taking on the roles and responsibilities that come from being seen as a different person in the eyes of society.

Renge’s relationship with Kaede is always the highlight of a Non Non Biyori season. In the second season, the episode where Renge learned how to ride a bike with Kaede captured the theme of time passing and noting the markers of that flowing time. Kaede felt a bittersweet moment when Renge finally learned to pedal on her own and rode away from her. This season featured Kaede and Renge again. Kaede remembered choosing to watch over Renge as a baby and that special relationship continued throughout the years. Renge felt the same thing with baby Kasumi so that feeling of big sisterhood will continue through another generation of friends.

Where does Non Non Biyori go from here? Will it have a new season in a few years called Non Non Biyori Next? It feels like that’s what will happen, but I’m okay with the completeness of this story through this final episode. Whatever happens, I’m sure Renge and the girls will always have perfect weather for a perfect day.

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