Thursday, December 03, 2020

Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls - Episode 3 - Konomi Puzzle Solver Mode

We learned that Konomi's puzzle analysis mode even applies to natural rock faces.

It's time for Konomi to get serious about competitive climbing and that means it's time for her to get rid of the pudge. She's chubby! She didn't like hearing that, but she's a former gamer who just sat around. Even when she gave up gaming for cramming to get into high school, she was still sitting around. Thankfully, she doesn't need to get jacked, but she does need to get fit and strong.

Starting from ground zero training montage! Spandex crotch watch is a go! Nonoka, who called Konomi chubby in the first place, felt the most protective of her exhaustion failures.

Konomi is quite sociable for a former shut-in gamer, much more so than Jun. They will be lunch buddies from now on, although Jun warned her she would nag on her diet choices. After a bit more training, Sayo said it was time for a fieldtrip to the famous Anti-Monkey Rock. The poor monkeys!

Konomi arrived early at the train station, so she walked around the small town near the climbing rock. She found a young lady who claimed to be good at a certain mobile game. A certain mobile game Konomi used to be "pretty hardcore" at. So modest. She mispronounced National E-Sport Champion. Easy mistake to make. The soft-spoken young lady insisted on calling Konomi "Master." Konomi only learned her name, Kiku, after she and the other Hanamiya girls found their "unofficial" coach at the Anti-Monkey Rock with his daughter.

The main difference between free rock climbing and indoor wall climbing is the lack of safety harnesses. The fear of falling is a major issue, even with the portable cushions the team brought with them. Also, the rock corners hurt the fingers too, especially for newbies without callouses.

While on a break, Konomi watched Kiku's climbing skills in action. The young lady admires her pro climber father. She also wouldn't mind seeing Master Konomi become her stepmom... What? Putting that comedy bit aside, Konomi tried climbing the rock again, but still failed in overcoming her fear of falling. Sayo and the other girls said that is normal and it's her body's way of telling her she needs to become stronger. They used the example of Kiku's dad trusting his pinky with his life, because he's that strong.

Konomi had a better looking training montage after she came back from the rock. She wants her revenge and to be better than a monkey, at the very least.

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