Sunday, November 01, 2020

Shokugeki no Soma S5 - Episode 9 - Megumi Whips

Megumi cutely took on a Chinese assassin chef and disciplined him mercilessly. Yes, he enjoyed it.

In the third round, Erina finally started facing individual chefs instead of denying reentries from the relegation rounds. Same results, of course.

We finally learned what this strange version of BLUE was all about. The WGO Bookmaster is Nakiri's mother! She also has the God Tongue! She can't stand regular food anymore because it all tastes bad to her, so she let the Noir Chefs compete in BLUE to show her new flavors. She dissed her daughter's creativity and the rest of Tohtsuki Academy and wants BLUE's winner to be her personal chef. Saiba, obviously, is aiming for that spot so he can marry Nakiri for some reason.

The Tohtsuki kids started to face each other after all the eliminations, with Erina ruthlessly dispatching Takumi. Megumi didn't like how Erina didn't have fun cooking like she did as they prepared for BLUE, and resolved to beat Saiba in a Shokugeki.

Unfortunately, Megumi was no match for Saiba's skills, and the terms of her Shokugeki was that she couldn't be friends with Erina anymore. As if that could stick. Souma overheard what the deal was between Erina and Saiba and stuck his nose in their business. Erina is going to madly blush in confusion about Souma's intentions, I'm sure.

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