Thursday, November 26, 2020

Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls - Episode 2 - Konomi Feels Pressure

Konomi just heard she joined a team of climbing superstars and she has to help them win today's competition. No pressure!

The sport climbing girls showed Konomi what a climbing tournament looks like, with big personalities like Anne Kurusu. Also, Konomi learned she joined a team full of national champions and contenders. But just do your best in today's contest, okay?

Some girl named Akane got into Konomi's head and made her climb her wall differently than her puzzle solving way. Jun recognized the handiwork of this thieving cat and had a good talk with Konomi about climbing her way and have some perspective on how she only started climbing walls yesterday. YESTERDAY!

Sayo was confident Jun could get Konomi's head on straight again. She's the Princess of Lead, which is type of climbing contest, but she's also a good captain. So far.

Meanwhile, we saw while Akane needed to psych out her opponents – she's just not that good. Jun showed her up when they were younger and Akane has been demoralizing promising climbers ever since.

Konomi did her thing, impressing interested parties in the audience, even using a move Jun just showed her.

Konomi beat that thieving cat Akane's height which made her so mad she bumped into an infamous scary competitor named Iwamine. We'll see more of her in the future. Unfortunately, Konomi fell before "sending the problem," which is climber speak for "ascending the wall climbing problem." She only started climbing yesterday and her muscles became fatigued. Still, it was a promising start.

Afterwards, we learned Hanamiya's climbing team swept the podium and Sayo told them of her plan for climbing world domination. Jun will follow! Konomi gave a little speech about helping them reach the heights of the national champion because she knows what that feels like. Uh, the other girls did not seem to understand Konomi is as much an ace as each of them are, just in e-sports. She's getting back into her competitive spirit by "getting that chicken dinner." Sayo just made that their rallying cry.

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