Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dogeza de Tanondemita - Episode 6 - Rei Embarrassed [BD Updates]

Cool quiet type Rei didn't mind following your groveling requests, but getting too close was a different story.

"You" didn't know how you were going to fill the rest of the time in the episode when kuudere Rei didn't hesitate to show "you" her panties. The narrator asked "you" to just "wing it."

Eventually, "you" figured out Rei began to show more shy reactions the closer "you" got to her. Just looking was fine, but the invasion of her personal space was the trigger for the usual facial expressions we expect.

Artist Kujo Ichiso decided to put Rei in some more mature black panties to match the grand piano in the end card.


Okay, so Rei's extremely detailed panty crotch shots needed the NSFW dogeza censorship.

Rei claims she doesn't understand why her 100% cotton panties would be so interesting. She's lying. Cotton doesn't shine like that!

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