Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sword Art Online - Alicization - War of Underworld - Episode 13 - 10 Second Anime

Sinon arrives with reinforcements to help Asuna. Bercouli pursues Miller who abducted Alice.

Episode 13 – “The War of Underworld”


I wasn’t surprised that DIL would return, but I didn’t think she would be tentacle groping Leafa! Her vampiric resurrection appears to be based on a couple of bloodsucking animals, like mosquitos and leeches. Disgusting and effective. I wonder about Leafa’s powers turning her into a tank, but we’ll have to see all those details later because, just as quickly as DIL made her return, Leafa dispatched her. At least Leafa’s vitality gave DIL her sexy dark body back before Leafa cut her up again. Also, Leafa made Lilpilin the Orc trigger the Code 871. These Dark Territory NPC’s appear to be always on the brink of rebellion by default.


Fun. The opening credits show the Underworld NPC’s as real people in Japan. Bercouli and Fanatio are on a date! All the Integrity Knights and regular knights are out and about. The opening credits are spoiler rich as usual. We just saw Sinon rain down bow and arrow destruction, Leafa cuts her way through American players, and Asuna will suffer a bunch of dress breaking from Vassago. Of course, Kirito Jesus will rise again to dual wield.

And we’re back to SAO. It was supposed to be April, but a pandemic delayed production by three months. Aw. Sinon is sad and relieved at seeing Kirito. He emotionally responded, so he’s still working, but no progress in healing. Nice. Sinon is another goddess. All Kirito’s friends are girls… Not true! Sinon’s goddess character is Solus. She can fly! Sinon should go after Miller who took Alice.

Yay! Leafa! Fanservice machine just dropped out of the sky. Talking with an orc. Lilpilin is one of those orc chiefs. He can’t believe this human girl wants to shake hands. Leafa is so confident. She’ll let Lilpilin take her prisoner if it means meeting the bad guy Vecta. Boo, cross-cultural relations interrupted.

I knew it! I knew DIL would be back. She and her witches used spells with lots of pest imagery, so it makes sense she looks like an amalgam of mosquitos and leeches. Great. Here comes the tentacle grape. What matters here, besides Leafa inspiring BDSM torture doujins, is that Leafa never considered herself in danger. We’ll have to wait to get an explanation about what her goddess form does, but it’s a nice connection to her elf character from Alfheim being close to nature.

Thankfully DIL grew back all her shapely parts. Unfortunately, she didn’t stick around long enough for us to ogle them. And it’s not a surprise that the longer the Dark Territory monsters interact with the humans, the more susceptible they are to going against their programming. Code 871 is the whole key to ending this war.

Asuna needs to show her badass self again. This time it’s against all those American beta players. Ugh. Vassago wants another taste at fighting Asuna.

And now it’s Bercouli vs. Miller. Here, we must pay attention to how OP the Vecta character is so we can gain hints on how Kirito is going to defeat him. Fun. Bercouli runs on air particles. Bercouli has an unfair skill with that freezing time thing, but it’s no match for Vecta’s skills of cancelling mind and will, what Bercouli calls Incarnation. Pfft. What if Kirito knows how to invoke his current state of no mind and will? Soulless attacks solely through reflex defeat Miller? I’ll file that speculation away for later. Bercouli RIP, probably.

Meh. Engrish pidgin sounds terrible. “This game is a really suck!” Even google translate couldn’t make syntax like that. Asuna did some damage, but she’s tired. Here we go! It’s Klein! See? Not all of Kirito’s friends are girls. And he’s not alone!

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