Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 15 - 10 Second Anime

Mitori recalls her friendship with Dolly. Mikoto’s friends celebrate Kuroko’s recovered health. Season Hiatus.

#15 – “Promise”


The only thing I can say about the end of the first half of Railgun T is that this should have happened one episode earlier and J.C. STAFF should not have tried making the disastrous 13th episode. It would have been easy to put the few original scenes in there in re-edited versions of the 14th and 15th episodes. It looks like the original plan was to move all the scenes a half episode sooner, so we could have the 15th episode tie up all the loose ends and then start the next arc in the last third of the episode. As it is, the COVID-19 lockdowns will push the second half of Railgun T towards a July 24th restart. See you then!


We’re flashing back to Mitori in that lab where she met Dolly. Dolly vaguely knows she’s going to have lots of younger sisters soon. Ah. Here’s a scene where Dolly can recognize Mitori by her smell. And there’s when Mtiori saw Dolly’s scars and attached devices and the scientists separated them. Mitori broke in and stole data to discover that Dolly was a clone. So began Mitori’s grudge against the Governing Board. They confined her for assault and she only broke free when Misaki took over the Exterior project and its building.

Mitori grew up, became an Index Alphabet Soup terrorist, and got herself captured during her failed attempts to blow up those central buildings. She and Kihara joined forces after that.

Back to the present and Misaki meets Mitori in the sewer. Misaki realized Mitori was Dolly’s friend she had to impersonate. Meh. Dolly had a sister who is somehow still alive in a vat somewhere. Those two were the prototype for the Misaka clones and the MISAKA network. And since they transferred Dolly’s memories into her, it’s just like they’re rescuing their old friend. This feels just as poorly written as the Spielberg ending to AI.

Enough of that crap. Let’s have our slice of life epilogue with Mikoto, Kuroko, and the Scooby Gang. Mii is still drinking her milk to fill those jugs.

Back to Mitori and Misaki freeing Dolly. This is a good insert song to make all the feels in the world. Aw. Dolly’s memories still worry about the pain of the devices and chemicals, but this clone is perfectly fine. Dolly still likes Mitori’s smell. Misaki needs to join the hug party too.

Yay! Mikoto visits Misaka 10032. She got some of Kuroko's special cake. All these clones of Mikoto want to see the ocean. Nostalgic, indeed.

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