Monday, May 25, 2020

Hamefura - Episode 8 - Mary Slams Book Shut

Mary found the magic book which trapped her friends doing things to Katarina that she didn't want to see.

As Mary and Maria returned with refreshments for their group study session in the library, they saw a magic book absorb everyone else into it. Even worse, when they opened the book, which was titled "A Tale by the Name of Desire," they found their friends as characters with each of them hitting on Katarina. Unforgiveable!

Even Sophia and Nicol got caught up in their desires to be with Katarina. Thankfully for all of them, Katarina's only desire was for sweet things and she defeated the book because it couldn't create candy, baked goods, and pastries fast enough for her appetite.

Mary and Maria figured Katarina's appetite was stronger than the book's magic. All Katarina wanted at the time was Mary's tea and Maria's sweet baked goods. Mary made sure she was still ahead of everyone else in the harem race for Katarina's attention.

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