Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Plunderer - Episode 11 - Althing Hands Grab at Nana

After that last battle, the Althing hands became good friends with Licht and their common interests aligned, which was grabbing at sexy ladies' body parts.

While Licht heals up from tangling with an attack helicopter, the Althing Hands followed him to his hideaway with Nana, Hina, Lynn, and the other military survivors from the black-clad secret military forces. Those hands liked big boobs and completely ignored Hina, which made her feel relieved and left out at the same time.

Jail needed to report to the supreme commander, his adoptive father, and learned the secret forces, called SSU, take orders from the royal family and that Aces like Licht and Mizuka are indeed over three hundred years old. Also, the supreme commander is as much a horndog as Licht.

As Licht's comrades in hiding faced arrest for attacking the Althing, who doesn't seem to mind attacking them back, Nana revealed her own Ace powers, transporting Hina, Lynn, and the others to her, Licht, and Mizuka's past — modern day Japan!

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