Sunday, March 08, 2020

Murenase! Seton Gakuen - Episode 9 - Dodge Ball Casualty

Ball sports among the animals is truly savage. Even the girls aren't spared Nature's cruelty.

Mei Mei tried making friends with a very nervous tarsier girl named Manako. It was slow work, but with Miyubi's help, Manako felt less stress and didn't try to bash herself into unconsciousness so much.

A typhoon hit the school, flooding the underground dorms for the burrowing type animals. Miki and the mole rats decided to share Jin's room so they could convince him to become school president and foster interspecies relations like he does in the cooking club. But before listening to all that, he made her put her clothes on, which is very sexy and shameful for a naked mole rat.

After many things happened, Miki joined Hitomi in her room, finally feeling free to be naked again. She asked a favor of the other girls visiting Hitomi, including Hana the star-nose mole Hana who was Hitomi's temporary roommate, to strip down so everyone could feel comfortable. I think only Miki and the naked mole rats felt comfortable, but friends can be accommodating.

In the epilogue, a new intruder to the school makes her appearance. She's the savage Tarzan type girl who appears in the opening credits. She and Jin are going to have some drama in the next episode.

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