Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 6 - 10 Second Anime

Kongou's friends Wannai and Awatsuki fight Baba to win an antidote for Kongou's fever.

#6 - "The Battle Begins"


Baba the cartoon villain got his cartoon comeuppance in Railgun this week. Good! He didn't get a punch in the mouth, but a forceful slap from Wannai was much more effective. A quality girl like Wannai shouldn't deign to close her fist against trash like Baba.

He proved his self-regard to be totally undeserved too. He was neither perceptive, clever, or good at strategic planning. His fight against Wannai and Awatsuki showed that he makes assumptions about psychic power users and doesn’t' test them properly. He was outmaneuvered by Wannai because he didn't pay attention to his location's infrastructure. He also didn't spend enough time testing his theory that Awatsuki used telekinesis when she actually changed objects' densities.

The final insult to his inflated ego was the real Railgun Mikoto coming to shut him down. When he learned that there were lookalike sisters of Mikoto Mikasa, he didn't even question that he might have caught one of them instead of the original. He saw the consequences of his true lack of talent.

Baba appears to be a Level 0 who resents gifted users for acting superior. That personality defect was always his own projection and he was duly punished for it. I think the Original Sin of the whole Toaru universe is not respecting other people's gifts.

The main hero of the whole thing has an unquantifiable power from either the Magic or Scientific side, but Touma's heroic attitude is always to give full regard to whomever he deals with. Anyone else, like Baba, who looks down on Level 0's, Level 5's, and anyone in between, always faces justice from someone's right hand. Sometimes it's from Spiky-kun's falcon punch, but it can also be from someone like Wannai with her open hand, doing the best she can with her talents.


Saten is a strong character. Just a good girl, even with all the Uiharu skirt flipping. Baba leaving that mosquito drone on Kongou is his first mistake of the episode. I'm sure it will lead to him making his last.

Wannai and Awatsuki have good teamwork against these robot dogs. Baba has no idea that these girls are friends with Mikoto. The Railgun can handle nanodevices.

Aw. Misaki may have erased Kuroko's memories of Mikoto, but her heart has muscle memory of loving her onee-sama! Oh, Mikoto is going to get mad now, after seeing what happened to Kongou.

Everything this Baba guys thinks about Wannai's Hydro Hand is off by a few details. He's going to eat that smug grin very soon. Saten calls Baba an "icky guy." She knows trash when she sees it. Mikoto found the drone. Game over for Baba now. Also, Misaki's little game is over too. No one in her clique can handle a Level 5 that's immune to Misaki's mind control. Mikoto has only been playing along because she knows Misaki would use these otherwise good girls as hostages against nice girl Mikoto.

Baba thinks he's checkmated Wannai, so it's time to see what Awatsuki is up to. She's JK Jesus walking on water. Ahahaha! Eat that water puddle, fat slob! Smug Wannai is smug. I love it. And Awatsuki comes for the final humiliation. Slap! So satisfying! Wannai shut that guy up. She's such a good girl. She doesn't trust him but shows compassion for his lack of friends. All Edge Lords who talk like this Baba guy, you know the type from social media and video game chat, all have the same problem — no real-life friends. Wannai's observations of Baba's character defects is the sharpest blow he could feel.

Here we go. He thinks he's going to rampage and get revenge, but Mikoto found him. It's about to go down! You can tell because the opening credits song starts to play. It's too bad that his side of the operation for those two mysterious girls was expendable. What a surprise that a throwaway character got thrown away.

Things will get more serious in the second half of the season now.

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