Monday, February 24, 2020

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 5 - 10 Second Anime

Kongou decides to help Mikoto find her missing "little sister" and confronts the villain responsible for poisoning Misaka 10032.

#5 - "Trust"


One thing the Toaru universe does well is make an audience hate disposable villain of the story arc. The producers give the guy a bad attitude, a misinformed outlook on life with a willful misinterpretation of facts, and prejudice against the superficial qualities of the current hero. Oh, and the most punchable face among the cast is a given. Baba the robot guy is going to get a fist in his droopy-eyed face before this season is over.

The other thing that Railgun shares with the rest of the Toaru group of stories is how the main character is barely in it for long stretches. How much of Index or Spiky-kun do you see during their anime seasons? Mikoto got sidelined this season too, but she's a strange case since she has ten thousand lookalikes who also barely show up. That's a lot of missing screen time.


I got it! Kongou is going to be Mikoto's new reliable best friend. Way to go, Kongou! I love it when she flips open her fan and laughs. Ah. Kongou realizes something happened to Kuroko's memories. Well, of course Kongou can handle blowing up balloons. Oh! This is the yuri balloon event! Ahem, the one where they have to press the balloon against each other and race.

Kongou is such a good girl. I like her. She's friendly enough with Mikoto that she could tell the difference between her and a clone. Mikoto goes with the younger twin sister excuse. That's good enough. And they won. Kongou will help Mikoto for justice, friendship, and cute little sisters! Kongou's smart about Misaki's powers too. If she came back to tell Mikoto where to go, she could easily have been brainwashed to do so. It's just better to save the Misaka 10032 herself.

Man, I hope we don't get a massive info dump with people standing around explaining their own plan to themselves in a later episode, because the lack of talking as Misaki stands in a lab looking at a feverish Misaka Sister fills me with dread for bad storytelling.

Aw. Misaki's cohort is probably full of good girls, like the one who shares Mikoto's love of Gekota. I love the exasperated looks on her friends' faces too. It's not a trap, Mikoto! Junko just loves Gekota.

Ugh. Robot guy has robot dogs. Apparently, he's not working with Misaki, because handler is complaining about not picking up the girl after his mosquito injected Misaka 10032 with his nanodevices. His name is Baba. I'll only remember that long enough for someone to plant a fist in his face.

This handler girl isn't very well informed. Baba already took down one of Mikoto's clones. These Alphabet groups are never as competent as they think they are.

Kongou is great. She's noticing the clues of two cross purposes intersecting. Never leave a lost kitten behind! Nice! Wannai remembers the black kitten. Kongou's friends are such nice girls too! I like stories about nice girl groups getting along with other nice girl groups. It's so nice! Too bad that Misaki had to turn her nice girls into a bad girl clique.

That Baba guy is a creepy voyeur too. He feels like your typical Edge Lord dropping cynical acid onto any social media thread. If only the missing sister plot could resolve itself that easily. Kongou is precious and so is the black kitten. Oh no. Kongou is still too naive in following this Baba guy.

Kongou knew this guy was bad from the start, but she just confirmed he's working for the "other interest" instead of Misaki.

Well, that was a waste of time. Mikoto just proved to herself she can't get away from Misaki's clique.

This Baba guy is trash. He's so superior when he thinks he knows more than his opponent. Plus, kicking a girl? While protecting a kitten? I don't care whose fist smashes his teeth in, because it will be so satisfying no matter what. Besides, his self-regard is not justified at all. Kongou and her friends will show him.

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