Ayame and Shinya go on a date to the amusement park and manage to enjoy themselves while recording experiment data.
Proof 4 - "Science-types Fell in Love, So They Tried Going on a Date"
Just how many anime dating situations can Rikei ga Koi throw into one episode? Uh, how about all of them? Shopping for a new outfit? Check. The dude claiming a woman as his own in front of some flashy guys? Check. Recording how cool your man is when he does that? Wait, that's not in the anime dating bible!I thought that was a great idea to use a button spamming app to record all the emotional impressions because it captures the state of today's technology with how math geeks would just adapt an existing app or script some simple code to do that.
The only difference with the conventional anime date was how the surveillance team was openly part of the experience, instead of the usual cloak and dagger capers that friends, hangers-on, and rivals play in these situations. The clueless couple of Rikei ga Koi don't know how lucky they are to have friends like these. Ayame and Shinya have a whole support crew actively making their relationship work. It makes me smile at how nice this whole day was. Beautiful, really.
Rikei ga Koi is off to a different date start. Both these guys tried to get to the meeting point exactly on time instead of one nervously waiting for hours or the other showing up late.You should be worried that your date itinerary uses a crocodile clip instead of one sheet of paper. Also, Ayame and Shinya are wearing their lab coats outside.
Here come the normies to put a stop to this lab coat wearing competitive walking race. Kotonoha insists on a wardrobe change. The Rikei ga Koi clueless couple can't refuse. Har. Dudes dozing off bored while girls shop is so real.
Eep. Ayame is here for the armpit fetishists! Ha. Ena is beating Kosuke in their fighting game without even looking at the screen. Get married and have five kids already! Kotonoha gives us the normie perspective on dating, but at this stage it should only be about the snuggles.
Ah, they're not going to put hand tally clicker counters on their belts, are they? No, they have counting apps on smartphones these days. Whew. Well, they're just going to count the things Kotonoha said. Feeling happy, heart skipping, wanting to snuggle, feeling uncertain. Where's the counter for wanting to chuck the smug jerk in a lake?
Holy guacamole! Ayame wore a shorter skirt? Was that even possible, Rikei ga Koi? Kotonoha is proud of her work. Well deserved! Watch out! Ayame and Shinya are going to get repetitive stress injuries from all that thumb spamming and maybe callouses too. Shinya was captivated by Ayame's outfit. A lot! Oh man, these two are adorable. Just standing next to each other makes them button spam. I'm smiling so big remembering those feelings during my first dates.
This is too honest! "Times your eyes strayed to her legs" +infinity. Oh, here we go again. Shinya needs to deflect his personal opinion of "better" by talking about possible parameters. Which of the two shoes makes you want to grab her by the ankles more? How about that parameter, Shinya? Don't play along, Ayame. Shinya's "inherent preferences" should be the top weighted category. I don't even care anymore. These two are having so much fun calculating a evaluation index. Infinite button spamming!
Oh. The reason we saw the flashy guy dating a mousy girl was just so that flashy guy could harass Ayame and have Shinya rescue her. That's a conventional anime romance event.
The eye catch shows Ayame with her heart rate monitor. It's reading 495 bpm, which is crazy dangerous. I must be missing something on what that number is counting. Top pro track sprinters and cycling sprinters max out at about 200 beats per minute, so I have concerns.
Rikei ga Koi is cramming a lot of dating action into one day. Ayame and Shinya are doing the lovey-dovey feeding thing at a restaurant. Flashback — Ena calls Kosuke "Torasuke." I'm sensing a tiger themed childhood story will be told at some point. He just can't refuse her.
It's go time. Shinya and Ayame have to hold hands! Ayame's ponytail is wagging in anticipation. Kosuke knows this a huge love flag in galge. Oh hohoho. Shinya chickens out. Ayame feels uncertain and irritated. Of course, she does.
Whoa. Ayame must get asked out a lot since she has charts and everything ready to go when she rejects random guys on the street.
Ah. Here's the reason for Rikei ga Koi showing the flashy guy getting slapped — so he and his friends will be the ones from whom Shinya rescues Ayame while taking her hand. No chickening out there! Look at all the conflicting emotions Ayame had. Good, good! Ayame liked Shinya's embarrassing display. Super cool! Points deducting for littering, though.
Okay then. The amusement park is called Cosmo Land. Kotonoha casually eats a churro. Huh? Why are they wearing their lab coats again? Nice. Shinya and Ayame are calculating centripetal force in polar coordinates, as one does when riding a merry-go-round…
As usual, Shinya doesn't trust anything he hasn't experienced or calculated firsthand, so rollercoasters are obviously impossible to ride safely. Ayame will hold his hand if he's so scared. They just want to hold hands!
There should be lots of holding onto other things in the haunted house. Shinya and Ayame are both terrified and holding hands again! They just can't stop holding hands no matter where they go. This is good. This is so good!
Finally. Rikei ga Koi gets to the Ferris Wheel event. Shinya and Ayame just want to sit down and take a breather. However, the dating plan says, "they are called to act." Act how!? They're in a galge, Kosuke, not an eroge! There will be no "coming together as one" in real life! Ah haha! Ayame finally called out Shinya for being a scaredy-cat.
Wow. Shinya did something right. This was the perfect time to give Ayame the present he bought at the beginning of the date. Ayame was very happy during the date and her happiness index increased exponentially too. The real proof is Ayame's smile. You did good, Shinya-kun!
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