Miller opens Underworld to live players as beta testers. Yui and Kirito's friends recruit other SEED game players to balance the forces.
Episode 11 - "Heartless Choice"
This was a worthless episode of SAO. Gabe Miller realized the Dark Territory NPCs are pretty dumb compared to the Human Empire, but how would he know that before he hatched the plan for Critter to recruit Americans to join the game as the equivalent to Dark Territory Integrity Knights? Unless he pulled the common villain device of "just as I expected." That would be even more meh.Also, the Scooby gang's big speech, while raising Lisbeth's character points as a public speaker, to other virtual gamers was a waste of time. We've heard it all before, so I guess it was nice that the words came from someone besides Kirito or Asuna.
Finally, I don't care about Alice as a new AI. Yui is just plain wrong about her as the culmination of everyone's experiences in the other SEED worlds. The miracle of AI in this whole story is Yui herself. Much like the Star Wars series of movies (up until recently anyway), where the droid characters can be argued to drive the plot, or at least be present at all the important inflection points, Yui has her purpose in SAO. Don't make Yui cry. Protect her smile. If you don't keep Mama Asuna and Papa Kirito safe, Yui will go Skynet all over the world and you don't want to see that.
The big revelation in the whole show was the Fist Fighter Chief Iskahn getting mad at the emperor and his right eye glowed red. Code 871 isn't just for the Human Empire. Perhaps it's for any fluctlight that's human?The other interesting scene was a dude in the ALO game with his own little Yui fairy following him around. I saw enigmatic smiles and no shots of his eyes so we can recognize his feelings or identity. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? We'll have to pay attention to that guy for future developments.
The girls were up all night yakking. Liena isn't used to this.Time to wake up and fight. The Dark Knights and Fist Fighters are crossing Asuna's chasm with ropes. Trying to cross, anyway. This seems kind of dumb, but it's probably Vecta's way of getting all the Integrity Knights in one spot before the American beta testers join the game.
Iskahn the leader doesn't agree with the Emperor's orders! Look at that right eye!
This is not realistic. How could an unannounced, unknown game developer get so many beta signups, much less beta players instantaneously? Whatever. The Engrish is probably what makes it more annoying. Also, a neckbeard like that wouldn't have a hot girlfriend either. Why not put a trilby on that guy instead of a flowing man-bun to make the picture complete? At least they put a ring on his hand so we know it's his wife.
Yui's on the case! Don't make Yui mad! She sent the right people to Rath. Sinon and Leafa. Uh, I mean Shino and Suguha. They're going in the real way. ALO buddies will have to convert their accounts. Lisbeth and her tight ass will surely persuade some people to join.
Damn, Higa, pay attention. Underworld has been on real time flow for a couple of minutes already. The Scooby gang is on the job, using all their experiences of playing with people all around the world. Americans have the advantage because trash VR gamers are just getting up at noon and not working. Meanwhile, Japanese trash VR gamers just went to bed.
Seriously, don't mess with Yui. She knows everything Kirito knows, plus more now since he's been in a coma and she's doing all the systems side intrusions. Yui believes Alice is a new form of humanity, but she shouldn't sell herself short. She probably still thinks she's just a helper navi system, but she's plenty autonomous. She singlemindedly instigated a proxy militia war against the USA.
You don't have to be gods from Underworld because your characters are gods right now! The Japanese losers always sound so petty, selfish, and full of conspiratorial accusations. It's like they're used to making up excuses for every bad thing that happens to them instead of taking responsibility for their own lives. Well, the guild leaders knows what's up with the Scooby Gang. They're all in.
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