Tuesday, December 17, 2019

10 Second Anime - Kandagawa Jet Girls - Episode 10

The Kandagawa Jet Girls work part-time jobs to upgrade their Jet Racer in this very special beach episode.

#10 - "A Summer Gig Receive"


It's the Kandagawa Jet Girls beach episode! The episode title refers to the great yuri beach volleyball anime Harukana Receive, and boy, did it ever. Wow, that was a lot of fanservice. I enjoyed it. I wish we could have seen the fruits of Misa and Rin's improved teamwork on the Jet Racecourse, but during a beach volleyball tournament was more than enough of a consolation prize.

Misa's fear of rejection from Rin has been dealt with a long time ago, so now we can enjoy seeing parts of her personality come out, like how Misa is possessive about Rin's attention. What's even better is how the Jet Girls' friends notice her feelings. This is just good yuri relationship development.

Speaking of yuri development, Yuzu called out Manatsu for being overtly on a manhunt, ahem, seeking a summer beach romance, but really only wanting to spend time with her. Good, good. Let the yuri feelings flow through you, Manatsu!

The only small complaint I had for the episode is that we didn't see the miko girls, Inori and Fuka, in their own revealing swimsuits at the beach. They were the only ones missing! Oh well. They had a lot of screen time last week, so it's good to share the wealth of fit, beautiful bodies frolicking on the sand.

Oh, and besides the sexy bodies of the youthful Jet Racers, Kandagawa Jet Girls gave us even more blessings with the MILF additions of Jennifer's aunt and the Hell's Kitchen idol producer. If they and the other MILF's of Hina's mom and Kaguya's coach (probably Misa's mom) could get together, I would so very much appreciate a hot tub scene. Rin's mom can be there in spirit.

Maybe the beautiful MILF's were only there to distract us from noticing this was the first episode without any nudity? Oh sure, the censored broadcast must have covered up all the loving shots of bikini-clad behinds during the beach volleyball scenes, but I'm greedy when it comes to official censorship covering up things that need covering up. Well, if Jennifer's aunt keeps flashing that radiant smile, I can forgive Kandagawa Jet Girls one episode without bare breasts.


Kiriko says they need to upgrade the Orcano's power unit. They need money!

Fumika won't let them have extra funds until they beat Kaguya, but Misa says they can't beat Kaguya unless they get those funds! They'll just have to get money the old-fashioned way — work and get paid. They're on summer break anyway! Misa just can't say no to Rin's begging eyes.

Aw. Shy Kiriko has social anxiety. Don't eat the samples, Hina! Ah! Hina likes the sausage. That squeal of delight will sell a lot of meat today.

Hahaha! Misa and Rin are at the idol café! Jennifer and Emily are loving it! Rin tells Misa to hurry up at the café, but Misa gets to tell Rin to hurry up because she still can't stuff her chest into her uniform.

I think Yuzu was even sexier in the eye catch than her partner Manatsu. Next time will have to be either Inori or Fuka to finish off the last of the six pairs.

Ooh, that's a lot of bills. So close, though. Jennifer is now "my angel" in getting Rin and Misa a job. Serving food at a beach shack? Oh my. This is the beach episode we all deserve! Ha. The place is called "California." Jennifer's aunt is top tier MILF! Oh hoho. Rin got so used to putting the Tasty Spell on everything at the idol café, she did it for the California beach shack.

Successful day, so time to play! Oh, man. These girls look so great frolicking in the ocean. And now Manatsu and Yuzu are here? This fanservice is over the top! Uh oh. Manatsu is on to us.

Aha. Manatsu claims to be looking for romance, but Yuzu thinks she's floating down the yuri river with her already. And here comes Hell's Kitchen. Something competitive is about to happen. Misa would rather be alone with Rin, of course.

Speaking about being alone, Kaguya and Kuromaru are at a private beach. Poor Kuromaru is still on her diet, "na no da."

Meanwhile, there's a beach volleyball tournament where the grand prize is conveniently the difference between the Kandagawa Jet Girls' money pot and a brand-new power unit for their Jet Racer. Let's get to it!

The first Jet Racers to face off are Hell's Kitchen against the California girls. The flat is justice pair believes more in revenge against their voluptuous rivals. Manatsu and Yuzu meet Rin and Misa, but things are different than when they played all those carnival games at the water park. Ooh, fake out.

Was there any ever doubt Rin and Misa would end up in the finals? They can get revenge of sorts against Hell's Kitchen. Close game, going down to the final point of third game. Uh oh. Dina has a dark side. She can't keep her idol smile on any longer. Ziyu has concerns. Oops! Their manager takes them away! The real rematch will be on the river. As it should be.

All the pairs have a nice yuri, drowsy train ride home. I do believe Yuzu and Manatsu are holding hands!

Next time, Misa does some harsh training and it looks like we meet her mom, the Jet Racing coach at Kaguya's school.

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