Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S4 - Episode 8

Azami inserts himself into the final rounds of the cooking contest with two new sexy judges. Rindou faces Takumi while Isshiki presents his dish ahead of Eishi.

Episode 8 - "Watching from Beside You"


It's pretty clear that Shokugeki had to introduce some new girls for the foodgasm scenes before the final round, because they just plumb ran out of girls to explode their clothes when they tasted something. The only ones left on the floor were the contestants, Anne, and Dark Urara. None of the hot girls behind bars were going to taste anything to give us fanservice, and Anne and Urara had just about been exhausted. Erina only foodgasms with Souma, so she wasn't going to sample his cooking until the final round. She's the real Final Boss, not Eishi or Rindou, in Souma's eyes. Rindou is fine too, but she'll only have one opportunity for an exploding foodgasm against her opponent. There were too many dishes and not enough foodgasms. Solution — more hot girls.

Bringing in the big bad villain at this point in the story works well, since he's the whole reason this contest is happening. Bringing in sexy girls at the same time makes me not hate him so much either. Vanilla and chocolate ice cream dishes served up cool with extra hot toppings is totally the way to go. The contrast between Decora the dark beauty and Courage the ivory beauty (their names are French), reminds me of the twin judges with different personalities during the Autumn Festival. The new girls both know they're hot, they take credit for making Anne into the sexy angel she is now, and they sell food themed lingerie. This is just perfect over-the-top sexiness to end the season with multiple foodgasm bangs.

One other thing that plays into the greater story arc is the ambivalence Rindou has for Central and Azami in particular. She really resented him showing up at the last minute after she had already began cooking her dish. I wondered if this was because she had started making the dish for the judges on hand, and became annoyed because of the change in targets. Perhaps it was her sense of fair play, where it would have been better to change the judges after the bout was over? Azami wasn't going to taste Erina's cooking until the next round anyway, so why insert himself at this point, when that was his purported reasoning?

Perhaps Rindou only sided with Central because she deals with exotic ingredients, so she would be the one setting the rules on how to make dishes with them? She always looked like one who didn't cook by the conventional rules, so it seemed she would side with the Rebels, but if she's cooking with stuff that has no conventional rules, she could maintain her independence while being officially sanctioned by Central. Maybe Rindou just sided with Central because she saw they had the strongest hand and her experience in the savage wilderness was survival of the fittest. I'm not sure this will ever be made clear, because Rindou is just an enigmatic whirlwind, but it's interesting that these issues of her motivation for siding with Azami still come up.


Azami says he took over judging just so he could taste Erina's cooking, because some idiot got in his way at the Moon Festival. Souma wonders who that jerk was...

Rindou seems mad at Azami for messing with her contest. Based on her ethics? How she targeted the previous judges for her dish?

What a magnificent bitch! Decora took out three girls with one comparison. Pigtails are lame, apparently.

Since Anne is a 1st Rank Bookman, she'll stay, but the dudes have to go. Fine with me.

Ha! Souma thinks like a villain. It's "lucky" to have Azami right there so they can smack his taste buds directly.

The casual irritation of Anne listening to her mentors fawn all over Azami is hilarious.

Courage and Decora are going to express deliciousness with their bodies… er, what now? Haven't people been doing this the entire time? Oh, on purpose! The other girls are annoyed with the boys' reactions.

Ah. These two sell lingerie. I see, I see. Thankfully, no lingerie scene from Azami.

Takumi's stuff was good, but Rindou's was better. Because she used some crazy Amazon fish instead of the tuna that usually goes in that Peruvian burger dish.

Isshiki will lose, but he'll put up a good fight, because it has to be Erina and Souma up against Rindou and Eishi.

Souma is drinking a lot of tea. Isn't his bladder full already?

Ticking off all the backstories before we get to the end. Nene and Isshiki grew up together. She always liked him too.

Rabbit isn't a very Japanese ingredient, but here comes Isshiki saying different. Never say "Isshiki Soup" again! Eishi knows what Isshiki did and he's concerned, because subtle Japanese soup shouldn't be able to handle wild rabbit.

Geez, you know these hot judges are going to turn into sexy bunny girls. There it is!

Nene and Isshiki backstory. We always knew he was a ladykiller, especially with MILFs, but look at him turn Nene to mush!

Anne is working on a slow buildup to a foodgasm.

Isshiki liked Nene's "profile" as she cooked in the kitchen as a little girl? He just admitted he's a flat is justice type. And then he splattered Nene's heart with Isshiki Soup.

Just how traditionally Japanese can Isshiki get? He even hid miso in that rabbit soup, along with clam broth.

All this strife, and all that matters is Souma is drinking tea. Next time, obviously, Isshiki loses to whatever Eishi makes so we can get the ordained match-up.

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