Friday, October 04, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - HenSuki - Episode 11 - Sayuki vs Yuika Watergun

The pool episode immediately turned into a duel between Sayuki and Yuika to monopolize Keiki's attention. Sayuki's greatest strength turned into her greatest weakness!

Keiki figured he knew who the Panty Cinderella was, he just needed to prove it. So, obviously he needed a pool episode! He chose the swimsuits too, sneaky bastard.

Each of the girls, including Mizuha, had their harem master moments with Keiki. There is a strict no-loli policy here at the blog, so you'll just have to enjoy the busty goodness of Sayuki, Mao, and Mizuha even more.

The girls took advantage of a stupid contest to confess their feelings for Keiki, which he interpreted correctly to their unique fetishes. Only Mizuha's sounded like real appreciation for her brother.

And there it was — Mizuha was Cinderella! And why? Because she's not blood-related to Keiki, of course. Dumb harem master couldn't figure out how he had a sister his same age, yet they didn't share a birthday. Uh, because they're a blended family and she's his stepsister. So, everything's okay, but not really okay yet.

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