Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Enen no Shouboutai - Episode 12 - Hina Hika Watch Shinra Spin

The 8th and 7th Fire Force Departments appear to be getting along fine. Shinra showed Hina and Hika his break dancing moves, but they just enjoyed how ridiculous he looked. It's supposed to cool...

Maki and Tamaki helped the 7th Fire Force crew rebuild the district. Tamaki, of course, put on an accidental show for the appreciative dudes.

The Evangelist followers aren't done targeting the 8th's investigation into their activities, so they fooled Benimaru into attacking them. He was only stopped when his trusted aide Konro intervened.

While Benimaru confirmed with neighbors that there were impostors in the district, Konro started telling the 8th's crew about how he overused his powers against a Hellraiser. To be continued!

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