Thursday, September 26, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Machikado Mazoku - Episode 9 - Seiko Spins

Yuuko's mom Seiko has a special dance for the day a brand new refrigerator arrives. She doesn't use it very often.

Yuuko is still complaining to Lilith about how revealing her Crisis Management outfit is, but Lilith responds that she did just as she asked by covering up her belly a little bit. A very little bit. Meanwhile, Lilith gets to lounge around the communal space in very comfy casual wear.

As midterms approached, Anri suggested to Yuuko that she be a brainy Shamiko instead of a weak brute force one. Yuuko challenged Momo to a competition on getting the best grades in World History, but then Shamicen beat them both because their homeroom teacher was bored and let Lilith take their tests.

Mikan asked Yuuko to see a zombie movie together to help train her nervousness curse. It kind of helped, because Mikan fainted during the opening scenes and wasn't conscious enough to make anyone suffer bad luck.Coincidentally, the pair met Momo at the theater as she "supported" Miss Tama Sakura, the mascot of the local market square.

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