Tuesday, September 24, 2019

10 Second Anime - Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Episode 10

Upon seeing Hishigata's mortal wound, the pseudo-soul possessing Hirumi's body reveals all the Rosenthal secrets.

#10 - "(Catastrophe) Awakening"


This was the info dump episode before the season ends. Next episode will establish how everything is hopeless, but you can't give up, but let's quickly talk about how things make sense (or don't) for this episode. The name of the game is Kabbalah. Thank you, anime producers, for finally explaining all the Jewish and biblical references and how they got mashed up with Chinese demigods.

Here's a quick note about the Judaism's branch of mysticism, Kabbalah. The picture of the Tree of Life, or Tree of Sephiroth, shows how a soul progresses toward perfection before entering the Godhead, communing with God in pure bliss. It's not Heaven or Purgatory. It's also not exactly like the Christian mystics concept of Mansions of the Soul, because Judaic theology posits that a soul can be "reborn," which is not the same as reincarnation. It's the same concept as how people thought the prophet Elisha was Elijah, or how the Jews at the time of Jesus wondered which prophet he was. Without getting too technical, these reborn souls are not evidence of past lives and will not have the memories of their past vessels. This is what Esther keeps talking about with necromancy not being able to bring a person back to life. Their souls may be inviolate, but their personalities only dwell in the memories of their loved ones, not in the Tree of Life.

This is why it was a big deal to discover that Isaac found a way to attach his soul to a pseudo-soul before it returned to the Tree of Life. He sinned against God. So, that tells you the kind of person we have to deal with in the final battle for who's the worst villain in the season finale. What can Accelerator stack against a heretic and one who perverted God's own spiritual path toward perfection? I'm sure he'll find some rationalization. Accelerator is good at that.


Welp, Big Bro Nerd is about to die. Time to turn that fake Hirumi shit off. But her DNA was the same! What an idiot...

Ugh. DA is still fighting? I guess it hasn't been that long since that "cleaning crew" raided their camp.

Double ugh. Where is this biological material coming from? It's not just plastic sheaths around cables any more. Welcome to the very special AKIRA version of an Accelerator episode.

Nice. We've had all sorts of Hebraic references so far, but the malicious AI calling for jubilation with "Sing songs of praise, dance, and rejoice!" is the most biblical thing I've heard in anime in a very long time.

Oh! It's Kabbalah! Everything makes sense now. Except for the Chinese demigod stuff.

Oh, again! The supposed "devil" (I loved how the Hebraic name for devil had so many frequencies like when Aiwass pronounced his real name), was Isaac, the 4th leader of the Rosenthals, banished from Israel for practicing necromancy and landing in China. The big bad is a 400 year old insane person possessing the body of a dead 15 year old girl in her underwear. That's the epitome of anime!

So, Level 6 Shift is no longer the problem. Defeating an almost perfect soul controlling grotesque tentacles is Accelerator's real mission.

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