Sunday, September 15, 2019

10 Second Anime - Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Episode 7

The necromancy abusing scientist sends more "coffins" to kidnap the Misaka Sister and Accelerator follows.

#07 - "(Download) Time Limit"


The battle set piece this week highlights two things about Accelerator that can get repetitive during a whole season. The first one is how people really don't understand how overpowered the Vector ability really is. Mixed with a smart mind and observant senses, changing vectors of anything is possible. That lollipop sucking scientist will keep underestimating Accelerator because he just doesn't know how creative and imaginative Accelerator can be in using his talent.

The second thing, which might get annoying by the end of the season, is how Accelerator has to apply moral gymnastics to justify his heroic and altruistic actions as somehow being villainous. We know he won't accept how he's no longer a villain until the events of World War III in the third season of Index, so this "accidental hero by being a villain to someone else" is going to be with us all the way to the end of the season.


Accelerator still making excuses about being the good guy. Bad guys don't worry about girls needing to protect their modesty.

Esther wants him to be her teacher. Sure, he'll teach her lots of things… "huueehh?

Esther is pretty ditzy to think Accelerator would give his clothes over to cover Huotou.

Hirumi is remote controlling these three "coffins."

Accelerator let Misaka get taken pretty easily.

Esther explains Rosenthal tradition of creating pseudo-souls to animate dead bodies. There are certain personalities passed down through the generations who have become very strong.

Strange how the Rosenthal's are Jewish, but the Number Spirits have Chinese names.

Can't hide from Accelerator because moving air has vectors.

Getting Last Order herself would have been quicker to get all this data, but a Misaka Sister is good enough, apparently.

"I'm not helping them. It's just a side effect of the crime I'm doing to you!" Accelerator's moral gymnastics to keep his villain status are just as imaginative as how he applies his Vector ability.

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