Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Tejina-senpai - Episode 8 - Kids Love Senpai

The Magic Club did real magic this week, like doing a magic show at a nursery school with a very receptive audience.

Senpai said that since they were an official Magic Club, they were going to study real magic the next day - Chinese magic. Naturally, Assistant-kun hoped for some sexy China dress cosplay, but it was all about bian lian the Chinese mask switching trick. The activity was to try to figure it out and make it work. Results were to be expected, except it was Saki-chan unintentionally showing off her underwear.

Now that Senpai and Assistant-kun aren't worrying about the future of the Magic Club, they have time to do pure gag comedy. Senpai tried mind reading, but her mind was way too open. Senpai had trouble with a glut of mikan oranges from a neighbor. There was magic involved, somewhat.

Senpai wanted to do public performances, but she need to advertise to get clients. Welcome to the year 2000! Um, let's not go with that website design, mmkay? Saki-chan's twitter hottie profile page wasn't much better and Senpai's revised escort profile was right out. Assistant-kun decided to make a normal one, which apparently worked.

A local preschool found the website and became the Magic Club's first customer. It was an official public magic show! She chose age appropriate magic tricks, but she was still very nervous. The kids were easily fooled and impressed, so Senpai had much more confidence going forward. The kids were forward too, insisting on finding the candy that Senpai made disappear. It was all a big success!

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