Monday, August 26, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Okaa-san Online - Episode 4 - Shirase Ban Hammer

If Shirase always had the ban hammer, why didn't she use it on Wise's mother when she started using cheat mods to break the game?

The Empress of the Night, Wise's mother, really was irredeemable. She needed to be taken down by another invincible mama.

Mamako really is overpowered with those two swords and getting mama love from her son.

Wise's mom got kicked out of the game, and Wise got closer to her mother before she left, so why was she still in the Mamako party? She can't say (tsundere). Mamako leads everyone to the next quest, the girls follow, and Masato tries to remind people that he's supposed to be the hero here. Just keep telling yourself that, kid. Your mother believes you.

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