Sunday, August 25, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Kanata no Astra - Episode 5 - Kids on the Beach

The kids found a planet that was so obviously made just for their beach episode.

One of the consequences of dealing with the deadly mushroom planet was Yunhua ditching her fake glasses and getting a new hairstyle to show off her eyes. The boys approved!

The next planet was so peaceful and relaxing, Quitterie started freaking out. That was, after she had enjoyed sunbathing, lounging, and eating sweet fruit.

Spending so much time in their swimwear finally got the girls to notice and compare their bodies. The Astra spaceship obviously doesn't have a hot tub for this to happen... Quitterie pronounced Aries and Yunhua as having "spicy" bodies, but hers was "sexy." I can't disagree.

With all the relaxation going on as the kids gathered food and fuel, it was finally time for "girl talk." Quitterie totally is hung up on the idea of getting Aries and Kanata together, but she doesn't like the attention when the other girls focus on her and Zack.

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