Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Tejina-senpai - Episode 3 - Senpai Embarrassed by Sensei

Assistant-kun found himself caught in the middle of some family issues between his homeroom teacher and Magic Senpai.

The big revelation for the future of the Magic Club is that their faculty adviser is probably going to be Assistant-kun's homeroom teacher. This is bad news for Senpai because Sensei is her older sister! Big Sis Sensei loves playing with Little Sis Senpai and embarrassing her with insider family knowledge. Bear with it, Senpai! You too, Assistant-kun.

It's been a month since Assistant-kun got fooled into joined the Magic Club, and Senpai needs to puff up her self-esteem. It doesn't help that Assistant-kun can handle performing the simple tricks, so Senpai thinks she can rattle him by criticizing him. It also doesn't help that Senpai is a naturally clumsy girl and she forgot to zip up her skirt.

Senpai finally asked Assistant-kun for help in getting over her stage fright. Looking up stuff on the internet might seem smart, but putting the advice into practice didn't really work out. Assistant-kun thought he might have some trouble tickling Senpai to distract her because of her sexy body, but her attitude solved that problem.

Senpai decided to show off some traditional Japanese sleight-of-hand to Assistant-kun, but she should have stayed away from anything involving fire.

Because of the sprinkler incident, the Magic Club couldn't use their room for a while. Senpai said she had no problem doing magic in the park without props, because she was just going to pick up a pigeon to help her out. The pigeons had other ideas, and Assistant-kun didn't want to get on their bad side either.

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