Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Episode 8 - Shiro Takes Off Sunglasses

Shiro the fox spirit has connections to a secluded private beach. Deal with it.

Nakano only has one day off for summer vacation. This is no problem for fox demigods who can use the inari shrine gates! Shiro brought Koenji too, but poor girl won't remember how she got to this beautiful beach.

The foxes and friends played some volleyball, but too late they realized they've all been sitting around too much and can't pull off the moves they used to when they were younger. It's totally plausible to see an 800 year old fox demigod tweak her back on a power spike.

More relaxing beach stuff happened next, like making sand sculptures, meeting beautiful fox spirits offering barbecue ingredients (Sora needs to show up more!), and playing with fireworks.


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