Friday, June 21, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Senryuu Shoujo - Episode 12 [END] - Nanako Runs

We just had to have a bit of drama on the last episode of the season. Nanako worried she'd never see Eiji again after he didn't post a response to her last poem on the bulletin board.

Nanako felt nostalgic and asked Eiji if he remembered how they first met. Of course, when a girl only speaks in 3-line poems, a first meeting had to be a bit more involved than sitting and talking.

Eiji had given up fighting and went to a weekly senryuu poem seminar, where he met a strange girl who liked his simple conversational style. Nanako's mother quickly picked up why she was spacing out at breakfast, although Nanako didn't know what a crush on a boy felt like yet.

Instead of attending the weekly meetings because of his scary face, Eiji just posted his poems on the library bulletin board where Nanako wrote him back. They were pen pals of a sort for a couple of months. After Nanako worried why Eiji hadn't posted his latest poem yet, she eventually found him in the park they were supposed to meet to look at blossoms. And the rest, as they may write in senryuu form, is history.

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