Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Omake Gif Anime - Nande Koko ni Sensei ga! - Episode 11 - Chizuru-sensei Blushes Hard [BD Updates]

Chizuru-sensei felt happy that Tanaka accidentally confessed his attraction to her, but the reaction she didn't want him to see show those feelings just might be reciprocated.

So, how did Tanaka end up alone on a tropical island like Iwagaki with the beautiful Chizuru-sensei? She promised to split a lottery prize as a way of thanking him for carrying her groceries and she won a trip there. She ended up thanking him many times over with the compromising situations they found themselves in too.

Getting away from the rain during a nighttime walk made the couple fall down into a cave. Trying not to disturb the stalactites and stalagmites made for a very interesting game of Twister for Tanaka and Chizuru-sensei.


Of course there was going to be NSFW scenes with Chizuru-sensei wanting to show off her bikini as quickly as possible.

The hermit crabs on Iwagaki Island are pretty naughty, however, Tanaka's fingers matched their naughtiness. We found out how much Chizuru enjoys nipple play.

The cave incident doubled down on Chizuru's sensitive nipples, with Tanaka getting a literal taste of things to come in their relationship.

BD Updates.

In the uncensored Blu-rays, we saw just how naughty that hermit crab was. Also, Tanaka was very naughty himself for making Chizuru's hiding nipple come out and play.

The stalagmite and stalactite cave scene saw enhanced nipple play, but best of all, we saw how Chizuru likes cold water drip play, and how pushy her nipples can be when they want more stimulation.

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