Monday, June 10, 2019

10 Second Anime - Shingeki no Kyojin S3 - Episode 50

Erwin and the Scouts reach Eren's hometown of Shiganshina, but they have enemies waiting for them.

Episode 50 - "The Town Where Everything Began"


And we're back. Last episode, Erwin's forces made for Eren's hometown to get into his father's basement. We pick the story up in the middle of the night, just as those forces reach the outskirts of Shiganshina. The mission is simple. Get in, block the gates with Eren's crystal ability, kill the Titans roaming around inside the Walls, get inside the basement. Of course, things are never that simple.

We've only got 10 episodes for the second half of the third season, so there's probably going to be an emphasis on action scenes and mind blowing revelations on how the world of the Titans works, and much less on introspection based on personal history and flashbacks. That stuff was what the first half of the season was for. We need to get inside that Jaeger basement and we need to get Eren and Armin on a beach looking at the ocean. We've got ten episodes. Let's go!


The opening credits is a big recap of everything so far, interspersed with some spoiler rich stuff for the rest of the season. It doesn't seem as spoiler heavy as the last opening credits, which showed all those Animal Titans running around. We'll definitely see those guys before the end of the Spring season.

Eren is going to learn how to make brass knuckles and pound Reiner in the face. Can't wait!

Back to the story. It's dark and the Scouts have some really bright lamps.

Whoops. There's a sleeping Titan. Hange's theory is that Titans are solar powered, but the ones they saw moving around at night were sensitive enough to use the sunlight reflected from the full moon. Their mission is happening under a new moon to mitigate even that possible threat.

Eren is shaking from fear. Still has performance anxiety. It's okay. Armin is shaking too.

We don't see Mikasa shaking, though.

Charge! Erwin seems to be doing okay with ODM gear and only one arm.

The kids recognize landmarks of their town. They haven't been back in five years.

Armin notices Bertholdt and Reiner's campfire. Same one from the last scenes in the previous episode.

Things are strange. There are no Titans running around.

They still need to stick to the mission. Eren is getting reliably good at this transformation stuff.

Ah. Bertholdt and Reiner are definitely there, but where?

Ha. Armin doesn't know what coffee is, but he knows it smells good.

Armin, whom Erwin calls "one of their greatest weapons," is now in charge of searching for Bertholdt and Reiner.

Erwin has a great weapon too. Is it that thing shooting fire in the opening credits?

Armin has a thought - look for the enemy INSIDE the Walls!

Oh! That guy got stabbed by Reiner. Oh, again! Levi stabbed Reiner in the neck!

Not good enough. Reiner transformed, but seems out of it. For the moment.

And that's no good. Beast Titan has friends. Lots of friends.

Shop put! Nice form. He's definitely trying out for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

The end credits are all nice recaps of the kids going through their Scout training.

Next time, it's going to be a big, hairy fight.

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